The Patriot Post® · Joe Biden's Eat Crow 2.0
By Richard McDonough
“Their endgame … [is] to turn the will of the voters into … something states can … ignore. [Georgia’s] Jim Crow 2.0 is about … voter suppression and election subversion. … It’s about … whether your vote counts at all. [T]he former president [Trump aims] to disenfranchise anyone who votes against [Republicans]. … Your vote won’t matter.” —Joe Biden, January 2022
Speaking of the facts not mattering, quite surprisingly, the votes in Georgia’s 2022 election counted enough to reelect Democrat Senator Warnock and, more generally, voter turnout, including minority turnout, was higher, indeed much higher, after the Georgia voting law was implemented than in the recent past. The New York Post reported:
The Peach State’s first day of early voting, saw more than 131,000 ballots cast, an all-time record and nearly double the number for the first midterm voting day in 2018. By Wednesday, it was up to 434,546 between absentee and early in-person votes, with the latter tally soaring 76% over 2018.
Voter turnout increased after what Biden cynically describes as Jim Crow 2.0 was implemented, a curious kind of voter suppression and election subversion that leads to increased voter turnout.
Democrats might reply that overall voter turnout increased but minority voter turnout decreased. However, as Black Voters Matter, a black activist group, admits, “The Black male vote total in 2022 was 46,016, in comparison to 38,792 in 2018.” Black male turnout increased by about 7,000 votes, once again a curious kind of “voter suppression and election subversion” of black voters that leads to a substantial increase of black male voter turnout.
La Tosha Brown of Black Voters Matter, however, has an “explanation,” although not of the kind that appears in any reputable logic or philosophy of science text: “We at Black Voters Matter never doubted the commitment of black voters to use the ballot box to bring about change.” That is, even though these “voter suppression and election subversion” mechanisms were put in place by Trump’s MAGA Republicans, black people were simply motivated enough to come out and vote anyways. Of course, the proper inference is that the Georgia voter law is not an effective “voter suppression and election subversion” mechanism at all.
Since the claim that the Georgia voter law is a “voter suppression and election subversion” mechanism is absurd, which explains its popularity on the Left, it is useful to examine the policies of those who make that absurd claim. Black Voters Matter describes their policies as follows:
We advocate for policies to expand voting rights/access, including expanded early voting, resisting voter ID, re-entry restoration of rights and strengthening the Voting Rights Act. We also advocate for policies that intersect with race, gender, economic and other aspects of equity.
The statement is filled with the usual vague terminology. Black Voters Matter wants to “expand” voting rights/access. To who: violent felons, illegal aliens, America’s enemies? It wants to “strengthen” the Voting Rights Act. How? By making it easier for eligible citizens to vote or by making it easier for ineligible people to vote? It advocates policies that “intersect” with race, gender, and economic issues. Intersect how? By introducing racial minorities and women to black and Hispanic conservatives like Byron Donalds, Allen West, John James, and Candace Owens? One suspects not.
There are two parts of the Black Voters Matter policy statement that deserve special mention. The first is that Black Voters Matter opposes voter ID. Since conservatives have attempted to make it easier and free for disadvantaged people to obtain a voter ID if they do not have one, the only possible explanation for opposition to voter ID is to make it easier for unscrupulous people to cheat. The second is Black Voters Matter’s advocacy for “equity.” Unfortunately, equity is incompatible with equality. Whereas equality, traditionally understood, involves guaranteeing different people equal opportunity to succeed, equity denotes an anti-American socialist concept that involves guaranteeing people equal outcomes irrespective of merit. Perhaps leftist equity supporters will promise in writing that if they ever need brain or heart surgery they will have it done not by a doctor who excelled in his/her field but by a doctor who got their degree because their medical school’s policy of equity guaranteed them an M.D. on the basis of their group identity. We are waiting for their response!
The Jim Crow laws were passed by Democrats around 1865 to officially make blacks second-class citizens after Republican Abraham Lincoln, for which he was assassinated, ended slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation. The claims by Biden and Democrats that the Georgia voting law is Jim Crow 2.0 are therefore not based on facts but are a blatant attempt to mislead minorities into voting for Democrats. Voter turnout in the recent Georgia election demonstrate that Biden and the other leftist propagandists need to eat crow over these election lies.
Unfortunately, this tactic is standard fare by Democrats and leftists. The recent claims that Florida’s education bill is a “Don’t say ‘gay’” bill that forbids teachers in classrooms from saying the word “gay” to their students is another blatant misrepresentation. The bill only forbids teachers from teaching very controversial sexual material to very young students (up to the 3rd grade). The bill nowhere says teachers cannot say the word “gay.”
The fact is that Democrats and leftists regularly use such deceptive tactics in order to turn the American people against each other in order to get themselves elected to the DC gravy train where they can live like kings, are held responsible for nothing, and push people around. Whereas our DC overlords like to describe themselves as wise and compassionate, they rule for their own elitist benefit. It’s called “selfishness.”
The fact is that most Americans, conservatives included, want to see all Americans of whatever race, gender, or sexual orientation treated fairly. But that means one must have these things called free and fair rational discussions about how best to do this. Calling people names and lying only makes it impossible to solve any problems.
The Democrat strategy of setting the different groups of Americans against each other — black against white, gay against straight, male against female, liberal against conservative, etc. — for their own selfish purposes does enormous damage to the country and its people, a people that, whatever their political leanings, are mostly far morally superior to the shameless, selfish, buffoonish political elites who generally despise and mistreat them.