The Patriot Post® · Pence Jumps In

By Gary Bauer ·

As was widely expected, former Vice President Mike Pence entered the battle for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination yesterday, his 64th birthday. Happy birthday, Mr. Vice President!

For full disclosure, I have been friends with Mike Pence for decades. Our son has worked with him for many years, including in the Trump White House, and works with him now.

The Pence campaign released a video Wednesday morning, which I commend to you. Knowing Mike Pence as I do, the video is exactly what I expected.

It tries to capture the Ronald Reagan spirit of “Morning in America.” Pence describes the challenges we’re facing under Joe Biden and offers a Reaganesque tone and vision to restore our optimism and renew our nation.

Pence certainly understands that securing the nomination will be a big challenge for obvious reasons, not the least of which is the controversy surrounding January 6th.

That said, I would advise Pence and all the candidates, including Donald Trump, to aim their fire and resources not at each other, but at what the left and Biden’s third term of the Obama presidency are doing to America and how they plan to correct it.

By the way, Mike Pence wasn’t the only candidate to jump in the last 24 hours.

In his announcement speech in New Hampshire, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie bizarrely attacked George Washington, while praising Democrat Woodrow Wilson. Christie bashed Washington because he thought it would be a mistake for America to get too involved in the problems of the world.

I doubt I will mention Christie much in the future. He enters the race trailing … Liz Cheney. She’s at 2% and Christie is at 1%. Enough said.

Meanwhile, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum also announced his campaign for president, as did radical professor Cornell West, who is challenging Biden from the left.

He’s Back!

Tucker Carlson returned to Twitter Tuesday night with an 11-minute video. It was vintage Carlson, and I urge you to watch it here. As of Wednesday morning, it has been viewed more than 69 million times!

In those 11 minutes, Carlson addresses an extraordinary number of topics, but the overarching theme was this: We are being lied to 24 hours a day, seven days a week about virtually everything.

Carlson suggested that the “average yak herder in Tajikistan” likely knows more than most leftist Americans, many of whom don’t even know what a woman is!

Tucker Carlson is a tremendous asset in the battle for America. He’s got the number one quality that is in such short supply — courage. He is not afraid.

Carlson’s message was seen by more people than the entire Fox News primetime lineup, not to mention CNN and MSNBC. His return and his ability to shape the debate cannot be underestimated.

By the way, U.S. taxpayers have given the Ukrainian government $113 billion in aid. That figure is larger than the defense budget of every nation in the world except the United States and communist China. That’s also $113 billion we had to borrow from communist China.

The Left Targets Parents

When it comes to pushing the radical LGBTQ agenda, the left is all in. It is especially targeting parents who dare to resist, who speak up and fight back. As you recall, the Biden Justice Department sicked the FBI on concerned parents at school board meetings, labeling them as “domestic terrorists.”

Now the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is getting in on the act. It just put a dozen parental rights groups, including Moms for Liberty, on its “hate map” as “anti-government extremists.”

They even give folks a helpful hint to identify the hateful moms: They often wear shirts with the phrase, “We do not co-parent with the Government.” Seems like common sense to me. I thought we wanted parents to be responsible for their children. But the left wants the government to control your kids.

The SPLC is a left-wing hate group that routinely equates mainstream conservative groups with bigots like the KKK. Its entire reason for existing is to smear conservatives by associating us with hate if we dare to resist the left’s insanity.

It would be easy to dismiss the SPLC’s smears. But under Joe Biden powerful government agencies, including the Pentagon and the FBI, rely on the SPLC to identify the “extremism” they intend to stamp out.

For example, a mother serving in the military who has a child in a Department of Defense school and who joins Moms for Liberty could be called in by her superior officer and told, “You are an extremist!”

By the way, one of the SPLC’s major projects is pushing transgenderism and the idea that children should be able to choose their own pronouns and whatever bathroom and locker room they want to use.

Don’t miss the bigger point here. We must reject the neo-Marxist argument that so-called “hate speech” should be banned. It sounds reasonable to many Christians. After all, who likes hate?

The problem is that the insane left is defining what hate is. So, if you’re faithful Christian or Orthodox Jew who opposes the LGBTQ agenda, you’re a homophobe promoting hate.

If you don’t want boys in your daughter’s bathroom, you’re transphobic and promoting hate.

If you don’t want open borders, you’re a xenophobe, promoting hate against immigrants.

If you think unborn children are innocent human beings, you’re a misogynist promoting hate against women.

The left also believes that hate speech is violence. So, according to the SPLC, Moms for Liberty is engaged in “hate speech,” which means they can also be described as a “violent organization.”

The whole concept is insane, but it works.

Many good people, including far too many pastors, have been neutered by the fear of being called “hateful,” and will not engage in the most important struggles confronting us today. And that’s the whole purpose of the SPLC — to intimidate and silence us.

We cannot be silent.

We cannot give in to fear and intimidation.

For the sake of our children and our country, we must speak up and we must fight back!

Parents Fight Back!

Last week, we told you about a controversy that erupted in North Hollywood, California, after parents discovered that an elementary school was hosting a “Pride assembly” for their children.

The area has a lot of Christian Armenian-Americans. Many kept their children home on the day of the “Pride assembly.” But others went to the school to peacefully demonstrate, saying, “Leave our children alone!”

Antifa-like leftists, many of them masked, showed up and it quickly turned into one heck of a fight. There were many fathers at the protest who knew how to throw a punch. It ended with the leftists running away and the parents continued their demonstration.

I bring this up because there has been one example after another of various LGBTQ perversions being pushed on little children. It’s happening too many times in too many places to be “isolated incidents.”

The parents in California exercised their First Amendment rights and their Natural Law rights to protect the children God gave them. They did so to the point of having to use physical force to protect themselves.

Given recent trends, we must hope and pray that more parents are willing to stand up and fight back, just like those North Hollywood parents, to protect their children.

Taking On Target

The LGBTQ mafia has put a bulls-eye on Target.

After the retailer rushed to avoid a “Bud Light situation” and removed some bizarre items from its shelves, more than 200 LGBTQ groups issued a demand this week that Target restock the items and reaffirm its commitment to the LGBTQ agenda… OR ELSE!

Will Target follow the lead of the Dodgers and apologize like girly men?

ACTION ITEM: Click here for phone and email contact information for Target. Firmly, but politely, tell Target that it better not cave in to demands from bigoted, left-wing, anti-Christian, anti-family groups to restock bizarre and offensive products aimed at children.