The Patriot Post® · Our Workforce Needs More Unblocked Biological Men

By Guest Commentary ·

By Noel S. Williams

Men are increasingly leaving the workforce. Faced with a shortage of skilled workers that robots are not ready to replace, this trend may be exacerbated by the generational shift in the rise of transgenderism.

There are more transgender women than transgender men. That will have implications for our workforce, among other things. For example, there’s a dire shortage of construction workers. It’s hard to envision someone like Dylan Mulvaney toasting “this Buds for you” after an exhausting day pouring concrete, riveting steel, hanging dry wall, or laying pipes.

Peculiar hormone treatments and puberty blockers (how weird) will increase the de-masculinization of society at a time when our infrastructure needs bolstering; at a time when Mike Rowe, the famed host of shows like “Dirty Jobs” and “How America Works,” bemoans the diminishing role of men in the workforce. Not girly-men fresh from gender identity clinics, but biological men.

Some screeching liberals may cheer that, but now that the infrastructure and bobs bill has passed, who’s going to build bridges, canals, dams, towers, roads, transportation hubs, and all manner of edifices? According to job search and career advice website, skilled trades such as electricians, carpenters, machinists, mechanics, welders, and plumbers represent one of the industries in most need of more workers.

Men becoming transwomen may hinder the development and deployment of these skilled workers. In fact, even transmen, if that’s what they’re called, are generally weaker than biological men. As these researchers point out, “Transwomen are still stronger than average females and transmen are still weaker than average males” [emphasis added].

Who’s going to tame nature and extract comfort for modern life? Men and women together, hopefully, but men are generally more inclined to repel precariously from bridges while wielding a blow torch, or tip-toe along a skyscraper beam with tool kit, or shimmy up a crane, or…

Honestly, biological men are simply stronger and have better depth perception (women are better at discerning colors, apparently), which are useful traits for building the bedrock that underpins the thin veneer of civilization. Whereas puberty blockers and other trans-enhancing techniques will only accelerate entropy, a healthy dose of “toxic” masculinity is required to impose some order onto chaos. Anecdotally, whenever I see a painter, roofer, or any construction worker building or fixing things and creating order in my neighborhood, they are invariably biological males (to the extent one can tell).

For sure, there are other workforce dynamics, such as pampered Gen Z snowflakes with minimal work ethics; not incidentally, they are the cohort with higher rates of transgender people.

Often, the progressive world seems a bit murky. Reality, as can be discerned, is ephemeral. Even biological imperatives are contradicted, which is ultimately a futile endeavor. So futile that a prominent Democrat witness before a House committee was flummoxed when asked by Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw to name one study citing benefits of surgeries for trans minors. Just one. No wonder modern liberalism has been described as a mental disorder when represented by witnesses like that.

By contrast, there are many potential disadvantages — in addition to the onslaught of hubristic sanctimony in the exhibitionist trans community, our workforce needs more unblocked biological men.

If one is lucky enough to be a biological male, then grow a pair, man up, and leverage one’s natural proclivities to help rebuild our infrastructure and invent the things that enhance our lives. Mammas generally don’t want their boys to grow up to be cowgirls, to paraphrase a country song. Indeed, while ESG supports transgender people, support for ESG shareholder proposals have plummeted.

Even Great Britain is blocking puberty blockers for minors in most casesMost of Europe, in fact. It’s prudent to at least wait until one’s brain is fully formed before deciding to permanently change the form of your body.