The Patriot Post® · That Didn't Take Long

By Gary Bauer ·

No sooner did the Biden Justice Department and their allies attempt to close the book on the Biden family’s corruption and Hunter’s corruption than we got more damning claims from courageous IRS whistleblowers.

Thursday, the House Ways and Means Committee, which is responsible for tax law and has oversight of the IRS, voted along party lines to release multiple hours of testimony from two IRS whistleblowers who worked for years on the Hunter Biden investigation.

Here’s a brief summary of the shocking whistleblower revelations:

  • The investigation into Hunter Biden evidently began in November 2018 as “an offshoot of an investigation the IRS was conducting into a foreign-based amateur online pornography platform.”
  • U.S. Attorney David Weiss wanted to charge Hunter Biden with more serious felony crimes. But he was blocked twice by the Justice Department from doing so.
  • Weiss wanted to charge Hunter in the District of Columbia, but was denied. He wanted to charge Hunter in California, but was denied. This alleged interference contradicts Attorney General Merrick Garland’s pledge in congressional testimony to not interfere in the Hunter Biden investigation and that Weiss would have “full authority to decide the matter.” Clearly, he did not have “full authority.”
  • The IRS has messages from Hunter Biden to Henry Zhao, a Chinese businessman highly connected with the Chinese Communist Party. At one point, Hunter demanded to know where his money was, telling Zhao that he wants the matter resolved “tonight” and that he’s “sitting here waiting for the call with my father,” otherwise known as “The Big Guy.”
  • Speaking of “The Big Guy,” IRS agents wanted to probe Joe Biden’s connections to Hunter’s foreign financial schemes, but they were blocked from doing so by Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf.
  • Wolf also blocked IRS agents from searching the guest house (where Hunter Biden was living) at Joe Biden’s beach home, allegedly because of “optics.” What exactly were the “optics” involved? Well, this was September of 2020 — just weeks before the presidential election. Just one more way leftist Deep State operatives rigged the election.

The extent of this corruption is breathtaking!

If Joe Biden was doing an excellent job handling all of the country’s problems, this corruption alone would still be enough to remove him from office. But it’s not just Joe Biden. It’s the attorney general. It’s the FBI. It’s the Justice Department. It’s the IRS. It’s the media.

Republicans in Congress must continue to aggressively pursue these revelations!

Promise Keepers Get Canceled — By Christians?

Many of you are familiar with Promise Keepers, an organization devoted to encouraging men to be godly husbands and fathers. In 1997, Promise Keepers brought 1,000,000 men to Washington, D.C, for the “Stand in the Gap” rally.

I was running the Family Research Council at the time, and I took my son, Zach, with me to the event. FRC created a poster featuring the tremendous crowd at the “Stand in the Gap” rally, and I know some of you still have it hanging in your homes!

I bring this up because there is an effort underway to revive Promise Keepers by Ken Harrison, and I have offered to help anyway I can. America needs Promise Keepers now more than ever!

A Promise Keepers event was scheduled to take place in September at Belmont University, a Christian university in Nashville, Tennessee. But the university canceled the event after Promise Keepers issued this statement about “Pride Month”:

“We will not stand on the sidelines and remain quiet. As fathers, husbands, grandfathers, and young men — we see the dangers of gender ideology and the harm it causes.

"At Promise Keepers, we affirm that God made human beings in His image to reflect Him. He created male and female with equal worth and dignity — and there was no mistake in that design…

"At Promise Keepers, we believe it is more important than ever to stand up boldly for what we believe as Christians. God’s Word is very clear on this topic — and we also see the way gender ideology has damaged lives, mutilated bodies, and torn apart families in our own communities.”

For holding to that Christian view, a Christian university canceled them.

If you have a child or daughter at Belmont, you might consider finding another school. If you went there, was it always so confused about biblical teachings?

It’s an indication of the confusion of the age that our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ often do the dirty work of the neo-Marxist left in trying to force the rest of us to sit down and shut up, rather than standing firm. Belmont alumni may want to reconsider where their charitable gifts go from now on.

It’s also very telling that this issue — homosexuality — is the THE ISSUE that most divides the Church today.

2024 Update

Another candidate jumped into the GOP presidential primary Thursday. Former Rep. Will Hurd of Texas is now the 14th candidate to join the race.

The GOP field is remarkably diverse, both ideologically and racially. There are three black candidates, one Hispanic candidate, and one man and one woman of Indian heritage.

That’s quite a contrast to the “white’s only crowd” in the Democrat primary!

Meanwhile, polling continues to suggest that we’re headed toward a 2020 redo, with Donald Trump and Joe Biden dominating their respective primary contests.

Celebrate Life

As we celebrate the first anniversary of the Dobbs decision, which is saving tens of thousands of innocent lives, a new poll finds, once again, that most Americans (77%) support some restrictions on abortion, and overwhelmingly reject Joe Biden’s position of abortion on demand.

To counterbalance the media’s hyperventilating coverage of the Dobbs anniversary, I highly recommend a powerful new book called, “The Legacy of Life: Honoring Fifty of the Greatest Pro-Life Leaders of the Last Fifty Years.”

I was honored to contribute a chapter to this book on the pro-life leadership of President Ronald Reagan. Order your copy now at

Good News

  • The Supreme Court upheld South Carolina’s pro-life regulations preventing Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers from accessing tax dollars under the state’s Medicaid programs.
  • Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is suing the Biden Administration for attempting to undermine the state’s significant reforms to higher education.
  • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed legislation protecting women’s collegiate sports from men pretending to be women and protecting children from “sexually oriented performances,” including drag shows.
  • Catholic chaplains were restored to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center after initially losing their contract to a secular defense firm.
  • A Utah school board voted unanimously to reverse a decision that removed the Bible from public schools after one complaint.
  • Bud Light sales keep crashing.