The Patriot Post® · The Bidens at Their Best

By Gary Bauer ·

Tuesday, the House Oversight Committee released more damning messages from Hunter Biden to his communist Chinese business partners. The messages show the Chinese communists were attempting to save some money ($5 million) while Hunter was demanding $10 million.

In the exchange, Hunter tells one of his Chinese associates:

“I’m tired of this… I can make $5 million in salary at any law firm in America… The Bidens are the best I know at doing exactly what the Chairman wants from this partnership. Please, let’s not quibble over peanuts.”

Not many Americans would consider $5 million “peanuts.”

Exactly who is “the Chairman”? That would be Ye Jianming, a Chinese billionaire who was connected to Beijing’s intelligence apparatus and to communist China’s Belt and Road Initiative. (Ye also gave Hunter a diamond worth $80,000.) But the energy company Ye led collapsed in a massive bribery scandal, and Ye was “disappeared.”

That same bribery scandal saw another of Hunter’s business associates, Patrick Ho, sentenced to three years in prison. Hunter once described Ho as the “spy chief of China.”

Influence peddling is what the Bidens are best at. Politico called it, “Biden, Inc.” They did it with the communist Chinese. They did with the Romanians. They did it with the Ukrainians. And they did with the Russians.

But, there’s nothing to see here. Move on.

Hey, look! Donald Trump might have documents he shouldn’t have. Get him!!!

More Double Standards

We got another example of the left’s disgusting double standard of justice this week when CNN somehow got its hands on an audio recording allegedly of Donald Trump showing classified Iran war plans to a couple of reporters.

The audio is expected to be a key piece of evidence in the prosecution of Donald Trump. Anderson Cooper even bragged, “In a moment, only on CNN, you will hear what jurors will hear one day.”

How on earth did the “Clinton News Network” get this evidence that “jurors will hear one day”? This is a potential crime. It warrants a serious investigation. Once again, we see how the Justice Department leaks are being used to smear and damage Donald Trump.

And it’s no coincidence that this leak came on the same day that IRS whistleblowers exposed Attorney General Merrick Garland as a liar and provided clear evidence of his interference in and manipulation of the Hunter Biden investigation.

Well, back to that audio for a moment. Trump insists that he did nothing wrong in that conversation and this is all just another media-driven hoax. And after everything we’ve seen from the Deep State over the past few years, I’m more than inclined to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.

But if the audio is really so damaging to Donald Trump, it’s curious then that Special Counsel Jack Smith didn’t include the classified Iran document in the dozens of trumped up charges against Trump.

Pro-Abortion Democrats

The unhinged left is feeling increasingly emboldened. Over the weekend, Pride marchers chanted, “We’re here! We’re queer! We’re coming for your children.” They are.

There was another rare moment of honesty over the weekend when Maryland Senator Ben Cardin discussed abortion politics with Fox News Sunday host Shannon Bream. Consider this exchange:

BREAM: So, you signed on to a Senate bill called the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2023. Critics say it goes far beyond Roe… So what is the Democrats’ position?

CARDIN: We support the right of women to be able to make their own decisions about their reproductive rights, and it shouldn’t be subservient to what state legislatures are doing.

BREAM: But what about the states where it’s actually legal up until the due date? Is that something Democrats support?

CARDIN: We support the right of women to make their own decisions… and we don’t think we should try to tell women when they can make those decisions.

BREAM: Is there a cut-off for you before that point [birth]?

CARDIN: No, to me, it’s a health-care decision. It’s up to women to make that decision.

There you have it, folks. Abortion on demand. No limits. Up to the moment of birth. That’s an extreme position overwhelmingly rejected by the vast majority of Americans.

But that’s what the Women’s Health Protection Act would force on every state in the union. That’s what Joe Biden has endorsed, as have 48 Senate Democrats and 211 House Democrats.

Pride Before The Fall

Yesterday was the anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Riots that erupted in New York City after police attempted to raid a gay bar called The Stonewall Inn. A year later, the first anniversary of the Stonewall Riots was celebrated with pride parades in a few major cities like Chicago, New York City and San Francisco.

Over the years since, what began as a day-long celebration of private sexual behavior somehow turned into an entire month-long public orgy of exhibitionism. That’s exactly what we witnessed at the Biden White House recently when some people stripped off their shirts and revealed their fake breasts. And that was the men!

But some LGBTQ activists still aren’t satisfied. “Admiral Rachel Levine,” Biden’s transgendered assistant secretary of Health and Human Services, has declared this to be a “Summer of Pride.”

Once mundane school board meetings that struggled to attract a dozen interested individuals are now major battlegrounds in the culture war. Hundreds of angry parents and taxpayers are showing up to protest policies that push insane gender theories into every single subject possible, even math!

And why is the Biden Administration pushing so-called “toolkits” for schools encouraging the creation of student clubs focused on “gender” and “sexuality”? Why are some adults so intent on pushing this perversion on our children?

Our public educational system is in an absolute crisis! Our schools are massively failing to teach the basics. There are much better uses of our tax dollars, but Biden is prioritizing “pride.” Why is this being tolerated?

When “Pride” marchers tell you they are “coming for your children,” believe them. They are.

As I wrote in a recent column at The Stream, there’s growing evidence that the “Pride pushers” and gender deniers have overreached. Two recent polls found that large majorities of Americans (60% and 73%) want companies to stay out of politics and stop pushing cultural agendas.

I am encouraged that more and more Americans are standing up and speaking out against this insanity. It must be checked soon. We are going down a path that no culture, no society has ever traveled before. And as we know, pride goes before the fall.

Celebrate Life

Speaking of anniversaries, Saturday marked the one-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision that ended Roe v. Wade and the lie that a “right to abortion” was hidden somewhere in our Constitution.

In this week’s “Defending Family, Family and Freedom” podcast for the James Dobson Family Institute, I look back on the historic Dobbs decision, a tremendous victory for the pro-life movement years in the making, and discuss where the battle for the sanctity of life stands today.