The Patriot Post® · Communist China Advances

By Gary Bauer ·

Communist China is on the march once again. Last year, news broke that the Solomon Islands had signed a pact essentially allowing communist China to provide security for the islands. Now, Beijing is reportedly stepping in financially to “fill the gap” in the Solomon Islands’ budget, further cementing communist China’s control over the islands.

During World War II, thousands of Americans were killed and wounded to free the islands from the grip of Imperial Japan. But because of neglect by the Biden Administration, the Solomon Islands have fallen to the Chinese communists.

The Solomon Islands are strategically located to the east of Australia and New Guinea. They are the latest domino to fall in Beijing’s methodical plan to project power deep into the Pacific, not only to defend China’s shores, but to threaten our allies and the West Coast of the United States.

While our adversaries are on the move, the Biden Administration is fighting hard to make sure the Pentagon is spending precious time and money pushing left-wing nonsense and abortion on our troops.

They ought to back off from their radical agendas and take a moment to ensure that our current military is actually operating as intended.

At any given time, we expect that 20% of our attack submarines will be out of service for repairs. These are sophisticated vessels that require regular maintenance.

But Biden’s Pentagon is distracted by leftist ideology and our industrial base is busy sending everything we make to Ukraine. So, according to Bloomberg, 28% of our attack subs were out of commission for repairs in 2017. Last year, it was 33%. This year, it’s nearly 40%.

This is the stuff of national decline!

Kudos to House Republicans for trying to rollback Biden’s woke nonsense at the Pentagon. Sadly, Biden is now threatening to veto the defense bill if the GOP amendments survive. For some additional perspective on this issue, click here to read Byron York’s insightful analysis.

Communist China has its problems. But every day, Beijing’s Marxists must thank their lucky stars that they’re dealing with an America under the least serious leadership in modern history!

“Sound Of Freedom” Surges

There’s growing awareness by all decent people about the problem of human trafficking and the sexual abuse of children. The latest evidence is the astonishing success of “Sound of Freedom.”

It’s not a “feel good” movie. It’s a very intense, emotionally gripping film. Yet, in spite of the left’s savage attacks against it and a blackout in some areas, it is gaining serious momentum. It has now earned more than $80 million at the box office.

Meanwhile, some elements of the Democrat Party are locked in the grip of bizarre ideology and hypersexualized politics. California is clearly the prime example of this phenomenon, as legislators there were unable to say that human sex trafficking is a “serious crime.”

Back in May, the California State Senate unanimously passed SB 14 to increase penalties on repeat child sex traffickers. But Democrats on the State Assembly’s Public Safety Committee killed the bill when they all abstained and refused to support it.

What were the powerful lobbying forces that caused every Democrat to block the bill?

Thankfully, public outrage caused Democrats to quickly reverse course. The Assembly’s Public Safety Committee voted unanimously late last week to advance the bill.

Left-wing Lunacy

Albemarle County, Virginia, where Charlottesville is located, is providing us with the latest example of left-wing lunacy that is becoming increasingly common throughout the country.

The Albemarle County Public School District has imposed a new policy to accommodate the demands of transgender students and those it labels as “gender-expansive.” To accommodate these “gender-expansive” students, all schools are required to “be proactive in creating a culture that … fosters understanding of gender identity and expression within the school community.”

Moreover, the district has declared that “discomfort is not a reason to deny access to gender-expansive students” to locker rooms, showers and bathrooms.

Well, that’s a major change for the left.

It was the discomfort of the atheist student that forced us to remove prayer out of the public schools.

It was the discomfort of the kid raised in an anti-American house that forced us to stop making the Pledge of Allegiance mandatory.

It is the alleged discomfort of left-wing students that causes colleges to ban conservative speakers on campus.

It is the discomfort of left-wing students that forces colleges to offer counseling to these privileged snowflakes.

But the discomfort of girls who don’t want boys in their bathrooms is now an unreasonable demand. They must get comfortable with the violation of their privacy or else!

Joe Biden regularly lies about the events in Charlottesville, claiming Donald Trump said something he didn’t say. The left holds up the Charlottesville riot as evidence that our “democracy is in danger.”

But it’s the lunacy being taught in the schools in Charlottesville every day that truly threatens America!

What Pence Actually Said

These should be the closing months of the Biden/Harris presidency. But never underestimate the ability of the GOP and some conservatives to form enough circular firing squads that they turn 2024 into a defeat.

An example of this tendency was on display over the weekend involving remarks by former Vice President Mike Pence. Pence attended the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa this weekend. He and other presidential candidates took questions from Tucker Carlson on a variety of issues, including the proxy war in Ukraine.

There is a legitimate disagreement among conservatives regarding our military involvement in Ukraine. I am closer to Tucker’s position on this issue than Pence’s. But the headlines that have come out of that Iowa event are not fair.

Tucker asked how Pence could favor doing more in Ukraine while there are major domestic problems festering here in the United States. Pence’s answer was essentially, “We can do both.” In his answer, however, he used the phrase, “That’s not my concern.”

Pence was immediately attacked on social media by some who suggested he wasn’t concerned about America’s domestic problems. That is a clear distortion of his answer. He clearly stated:

“Anybody who says we can’t be the leader of the free world and solve our problems at home has a pretty small view of the greatest nation on Earth. We can do both.”

No GOP presidential contender, especially Mike Pence, would ever say they aren’t concerned about our domestic problems. That would be politically insane.

When all of the primaries and caucuses are over, we will have a nominee. The supporters of the 13 losers will have to rally around the victor for us to have any chance of ending the Biden nightmare.

Savage attacks by the candidates on each other or within our movement only bring glee to those on the left who want to delegitimize American conservatism.