The Patriot Post® · A Sad Day

By Gary Bauer ·

After leaving the federal courthouse in Washington, D.C., following his third indictment by rogue prosecutors, former President Donald Trump briefly addressed reporters on the tarmac at Reagan National Airport. Trump said:

“This is a very sad day for America. And it was also very sad driving through Washington, D.C., and seeing the filth and the decay, and all of the broken buildings and walls and the graffiti… It’s a very sad thing to see it.

"When you look at what’s happening, this is a persecution of a political opponent. This was never supposed to happen in America. This is the persecution of the person that’s leading by very substantial numbers…

"So, if you can’t beat him, you persecute him or you prosecute him. We can’t let this happen in America. Thank you very much.”

In a post Friday morning on his social media platform, Truth Social, Trump called on the Supreme Court to intervene to stop this ongoing election interference.

By the way, Trump isn’t wrong about the condition of our nation’s capital. Crime is so bad that the Mexican government is warning its citizens to avoid traveling to Washington, D.C.!

Back To Biden

As we previously noted, there is an obvious pattern that strongly suggests prosecutorial misconduct and the weaponization of the Justice Department: Every time bad news breaks about the Biden crime family, Donald Trump gets indicted.

Fortunately, recent polling suggests that the American people see through the media’s efforts to protect Joe Biden. The spin and smokescreens aren’t working. So, let’s get back to Biden. After all, shouldn’t we be more concerned about the corruption that is currently in the Oval Office?

The latest CNN poll finds that most Americans don’t think “Bidenomics” is working and they’re not happy with the direction of the country under Biden’s leadership. Here are the key findings:

  • Only 37% approve of Biden’s job performance on the economy.
  • 71% believe things are going badly in the country today.
  • By a 10-point margin (55% to 45%) Americans oppose additional funding for the war in Ukraine, and nearly 80% of Americans are concerned this is turning into another protracted, “no-win” war.
  • By a 9-point margin (54% to 45%) Americans have more confidence in congressional Republicans than Joe Biden.

According to the latest Gallup poll, 55% of Americans have a negative opinion of the Biden Administration’s ethical standards.

And, a new TIPP poll finds that 63% of Americans believe Biden should resign or be impeached over his (not just Hunter’s) growing corruption and foreign influence peddling schemes.

Biden’s Border Crisis

Earlier this year, the Biden Administration announced new proposals to deal with illegal immigration once the Title 42 policies and protections imposed by the Trump Administration ended. Predictably, the left-wing media cheered Biden’s “brilliance” and declared that his border policies were working.

Not so fast. The Washington Post reports that illegal crossings were up 30% in July, “dealing a blow to President Biden’s new immigration enforcement strategy.”

If there’s one word that should never appear in any sentence about Biden’s border policies, it’s “enforcement.” Joe Biden’s open borders policies are a total disaster!

According to one analysis, Biden has allowed more than eight million people to enter the country. That’s more than the populations of 38 U.S. states or the equivalent of “eight Delawares, four New Mexicos, two Oklahomas or more than 13 Wyomings.”

Speaking of Title 42 (special immigration enforcement powers based on medical emergencies), New York City officials are warning of dangerous disease outbreaks as a result of the massive influx of illegal aliens. Of course, such outbreaks aren’t limited to New York.

Meanwhile, a record number of criminal illegal aliens are entering our country. This is not an insignificant issue.

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, illegal aliens have committed more than 430,000 crimes in the state of Texas alone over the past 12 years. That’s nearly 36,000 crimes just in one state every year that should never be happening!

Among those crimes were 800 homicide charges, 822 kidnapping charges, 5,470 sexual assault charges and 6,485 sexual offense charges.

Again, that’s just in one state, and these are crimes that never should have happened!

And this doesn’t even begin to measure the impact of the fentanyl crisis and drug overdoses, which is killing hundreds of Americans every single day.

American citizens are being murdered, raped, robbed and poisoned because Joe Biden and the Democrat Party refuse to secure the border.

Biden’s Crime Crisis

There was carnage in the streets last weekend. Forty-seven people were shot and five were killed. Among the dead was a 21-year-old mother who left behind two young children.

I have been waiting all week for anyone in the “mainstream” media to speak out about it, but it’s been crickets. There wasn’t a peep from the White House. In fact, Joe Biden went on vacation — again.

Sadly, this was just another weekend on the mean streets of Chicago. Apparently, these black lives don’t matter at all.

But, hey, at least Mayor Brandon Johnson is finally getting tough. Unfortunately, he’s getting tough on the people he says are “demonizing children” — those frustrated city residents who refer to the criminal youth running wild on the streets as “thugs” and “mobs,” as if their rhetoric is the problem.

Meanwhile, Portland is turning into a wasteland as residents flee growing crime and drugs. The city infamously defunded its police department and voted to decriminalize hard drugs with predictable results.

Now even the left-wing New York Times is questioning that “liberal logic” as “Overdose deaths have spiked, and drug users have overrun public spaces.”

Thankfully, there is growing resistance to the left’s soft-on-crime mentality, and it’s coming from some surprising places.

Black leaders in Oakland, California, are publicly condemning the leftist politicians and the “defund the police” activists who have surrendered their communities to the tender mercies of violent thugs.

The Oakland NAACP president and a prominent black pastor are calling on city residents of all races to “speak out against crime and stop allowing themselves to be shamed into silence.”

Nobody can blame “MAGA Republicans” for the problems plaguing Chicago, Portland and Oakland.

Good News

  • All abortion centers in Indiana stopped destroying innocent babies last week after the state supreme court upheld Indiana’s new pro-life law. Lives are being saved!
  • Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed the Women’s Bill of Rights, an executive order defining, rather than erasing, words such as “female,” “mother” and “woman.” The order is intended to prevent men from invading women’s bathrooms, prisons and domestic abuse shelters.
  • In a potentially promising move, the left-wing American Academy of Pediatrics has agreed to a “systematic review of the medical research” involving transgender procedures for children. Better late than never, I suppose.
  • The Bud Light boycott shows no signs of letting up. Now distributors are giving up on Bud Light. Thankfully, PublicSq and RedBalloon are stepping up to help hundreds of laid off Bud Light employees find new jobs.
  • A major storm pounded the Washington, D.C., area with torrential rains and hurricane-force winds last weekend. But a brave and dedicated soldier guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier held his ground.