The Patriot Post® · Thursday Top Headlines

  • Robert Mueller appointed special counsel to investigate Trump-Russia non-scandal. (CBS News)

  • After Mueller appointment, Democrats still want independent commission on Russia. (Washington Examiner)

  • Intel officials scoff at hype over Trump’s reported sharing of information with Russians. (The Washington Times)

  • Circular firing squad? First Republicans talk possibility of impeachment for Trump. (The Hill)

  • Senate Democrats endeavor to make it harder for Congress to remove regulations. (The Daily Signal)

  • Obama’s Justice Department refused to hire military veterans for jobs. (The Washington Times)

  • Immigration arrests climb nearly 40% over last year. (ICE)

  • Trump presses more countries take back U.S. deportees in immigration success. (The Washington Times)

  • Gallup: “Democratic Party image dips, GOP ratings stable.” (CNS News)

  • Trump administration keeps Iran deal alive, but with new sanctions. (ABC News)

  • Released Puerto Rican terrorist to be honored in New York parade. (National Review)

  • U.S. households owe record amount, topping pre-recession peak. (Associated Press)

  • Policy: How high-pressure parenting undermines character building. (Independent Women’s Forum)

  • Policy: Donald Trump’s new deal for the Middle East. (American Enterprise Institute)

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