The Patriot Post® · Video: The Left Is Ruining #MeToo

By Media Editors ·

The #MeToo movement has legitimacy. It’s legitimate for women to be talking about the fact that they get abused, that there are companies that have a culture of abuse, that there are guys running around at NBC and mistreating them and a woman can’t go in and do her job without some guy tossing her over a chair, Matt Lauer tossing her over a chair and raping her until she faints.

That’s a legitimate complaint. I want to hear that complaint. I want to know what Harvey Weinstein is doing in Hollywood. I want to know if the casting couch is still in operation, of course I do! I don’t want women treated like that, who does? That’s not the point, they are using #MeToo, they are delegitimizing #MeToo, they are ruining #MeToo to get Brett Kavanaugh because they do not want an originalist judge on the court who will strip them of their power to make law from the court, that’s all it’s about. They ruin everything.