The Patriot Post® · Video: Thanks Obama but You Didn't Build That

By Media Editors ·

Over the last few months, Barack Obama has been arrogantly defending what he wants you to think is his record. In each case, he’s not only a pompous jackass but factually wrong.

“We saw the longest streak of job creation in American history by far — a streak that still continues, by the way. Thanks Obama.”

“So when you hear all this talk about economic miracles right now, remember who started it!”

“When you hear how great the economy’s doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started.”

“Have you checked where your stocks were when I came into office and where they are now? … Just say, ‘Thank you,’ please.”

“You wouldn’t always know it, but [oil production] went up every year I as president. That whole, ‘Suddenly America’s like the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas [producer]’ — that was me, people.”