The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: The ‘No Evidence’ Impeachment Inquiry

“Some claim there is no evidence that any of the money acquired through Hunter Biden’s dealings went to Joe Biden. But we have at least one message sent by Hunter Biden saying he was paying his father’s mortgage and utility bills — no small amount given the value of the Biden properties. He could claim he was merely being a dutiful son. Every adult child should be ready to help parents in need. But there’s still the ‘10% to the Big Guy’ that needs an accounting. This is not going to be easy. The family has the backing of the world’s best cover-up experts at the CIA, NSA, and DOJ. It’s a serious matter affecting the nation’s security and reputation. The evidence so far warrants a thorough investigation. Denying it is a disservice to the nation.” —Minnesota

“It is difficult to determine whether Democrats and mainstream media pundits who insist there is ‘zero evidence’ of Joe Biden’s wrongdoing are blatantly dishonest or totally delusional. Both conclusions are appropriate, for all of them are obviously desperate to bury the most egregious political corruption scandal in U.S. history. House Republicans and Democrats with a political conscience must unite in the pursuit of this impeachment inquiry until its just conclusion. Failure to do so is a clear and present danger to the future of our nation’s best interests.” —Florida

Re: Pressley’s Alternate Border Reality

“It’s all in how you define ‘secure.’ In Democrat-ese, the border is completely secure. Nobody is talking about moving the border. The border is safe from being moved. In the meantime, we have a humanitarian crisis at the unmoving and therefore secure border, as many people continue to cross without observing the broken immigration laws as left to us by a corrupt Republican administration. It is all Trump’s fault.” —Texas

Re: American Math Education: The Calculus Isn’t Good

“Lack of proficiency in math is a threat to our national security. Your post clearly explained how this deficit jeopardizes our nation from international threats. But it’s much worse. It also extenuates socioeconomic class division; it perpetuates the claims of privilege for the wealthy white who can afford private schools and tutors. This feeds racism narratives demanding ‘equity’ while denying merit by ability and contribution. The threat is foreign and domestic, a clear and imminent danger. This threat will echo through generations. We must stop letting politics drive education and realize we are under siege. And just like ancient castles deprived of food or water, without education we will eventually fall to our enemy.” —Missouri

“One of the first remedial steps is to disabuse people of the notion that becoming skillful at arithmetic is unnecessary because we have calculator apps on our phones. There are several reasons why this notion is unwise: 1) One must know how the operations work to properly apply them. 2) Being able to mentally follow what the calculator is doing helps to spot bad entries. 3) We won’t always have a charged-up phone handy. 4) For simple problems, it’s faster to do the arithmetic mentally than to pull out the phone and call up the app. Another subject that is conspicuously missing in many schools is mathematics’ parent, logic. The inability to follow logic and math hampers reasonable discussions of public policy and therefore threatens the republic.” —Minnesota

“I’ve seen this report from several different sources. I’m wondering what, exactly, does ‘proficient in math’ mean? I’m sure it means able to perform basic arithmetic: addition/subtraction/multiplication/division, with two- and three-digit numbers; knowing the multiplication tables up through 12x12; felicity with fractions and decimals, percentages, and ratios. Maybe also some basic algebra and geometry? Making accurate measurements with a ruler or tape measure? How about the metric system? (Everyone should know the basics of the metric system.) That’s my thinking on ‘proficiency in math,’ but I’d love to know if there is a standard somewhere upon which these reports are based.” —Texas

Re: The Drug That May Now Be Named?

“Part of my med school graduation ceremony — and I assume most, if not all, med school graduation ceremonies — included taking the Hippocratic oath. The only part of the oath that anyone can remember is, ‘Above all, do no harm.’ That means don’t deliberately make the patient worse. This would include withholding medications that have been shown to be beneficial. Every medicine (and vaccine) has risks and varies in its efficacy. The decision to use a medication should be based on the scientific information about the medication and the doctor’s experience and judgment. Withholding a medication that would be beneficial is doing harm.” —New Hampshire