The Patriot Post® · Coming Soon: Non-Political Family Entertainment

By Samantha Koch ·

Disney recently announced its intention to produce a live-action version of “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” — a story written by the Brothers Grimm in the early 1800s, and the animated production of which put Disney on the map as a family entertainment company almost 90 years ago.

As with any movie, there are always messages to be shared and lessons to be learned. Snow White taught little girls to be positive despite challenges, that it’s important to be kind and serve no matter what, and that it pays to be a good person. However, these messages are not good enough for the political Left, as they are entirely too neutral.

Family programs, particularly the ones targeted at the youngest of age groups, are now full of underlying messages of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Storylines appear to be written for the sole purpose of disrupting traditional values, and they erase whatever principles might be important to parents to pass down to their children.

It used to be that moms and dads primarily screened movies for bad language and adult themes. But in today’s day and age, every frame of what children are exposed to needs to be inspected with a magnifying glass and examined through the lens of political correctness, with an informed understanding of what methods and tactics might be being used to steer this next generation toward the far left.

As if parents don’t already have enough to do.

Thankfully, there are those who are ready and willing to step into the space of family-friendly entertainment — in the truest sense of what that means — and give parents options when it comes to the cartoons and shows they can allow their kids to watch.

After Christopher Rufo shared video footage of several of the higher-ups of Disney discussing the not-so-secret gay agenda of future cartoons and shows geared toward children, one of the cofounders of The Daily Wire, Jeremy Boreing, announced to the world that his company would be investing $100 million into producing children’s entertainment over the next three years.

Since then, the company has launched a streaming service called Bentkey and stocked it with hundreds of episodes of a variety of kids shows that parents can feel good about watching in their homes.

More importantly, it is the opportunity to allow our kids to be kids again.

The service has been a massive success thus far, particularly amongst conservatives who are already fans of the commentators who contribute to The Daily Wire platform in general. Yet the pivotal moment for Bentkey’s production business may have come with its biggest announcement thus far: the release of a trailer for its own live-action production of the Brothers Grimm story “Snow White.”

The timing could not have been more perfect, as it was made on Monday, October 16 — Disney’s 100th anniversary.

The lead role will be played by Brett Cooper — an actress-turned-political commentator. Based on the brief clip of the musical score, as Snow White is singing about finding true love, there is reason to believe that the original tale will be honored and carry a truly feminist message of a woman who can be both a hero and fall in love.

Bentkey’s goal is not to counter the leftist political themes in today’s cartoons by replacing that indoctrination with conservative politics within these new program options. Instead, the company will simply allow individuals, families, and kids to watch something without being forced to digest what producers and actors think about the issues of the world, and without funding anti-American political activism.

The Left will, undoubtedly, attempt to paint the streaming service as one that promotes anti-LGBTQ sentiments and fosters climate “denial.” It is unfathomable to the activist movement to want to create material that has no political motivation or agenda other than to build a foundation of kindness and morals in children from which the best decisions for the future can be made.

It’s perhaps hard to imagine Bentkey dethroning Disney just yet, but perhaps because of the newcomer’s version of “Snow White” slated for 2024, Disney opted to delay its remake until 2025. Here’s betting some Disney reshoots happen after Bentkey’s movie is released.