The Patriot Post® · Another Victory for Liberty

Earlier this week, we reported on the third instance in which military training curriculums identified Christians and Tea Party organizations as “hate groups.” Once is an isolated incident and twice might be coincidence, but three times is a pattern.

However, we note that these briefings were not DoD-authorized briefs, but prepared by local personnel who obviously are Obamaphiles.

One of those briefings took place at Fort Hood, where, as you’ll recall, Islamist Nidal Malik Hasan murdered 13 people and an unborn child while yelling “Allahu Akbar.” As Hasan aptly demonstrated, there is a need for legitimate “terrorist profiling.”

The Ft. Hood briefer targeted such “radical” Christian groups as the American Family Association – a pro-family group that only the most jaded Obamaphile would describe as “radical,” or someone too ignorant to distinguish the fact that the AFA is not a “domestic hate group.” The information on AFA was from the ultra-Leftist Southern Poverty Law Center, which lists most pro-family Christian groups under its “hate” umbrella.

Fortunately, it did not take long for some briefing attendees, who were smart enough to recognize that AFA is not a terrorist group, to expose this nonsense.

Responding to objections to this and other briefings targeting conservative and Christian groups as a threat, the Department of Defense quickly issued a halt to the use of SPLC information, issuing a directive to restrain its security briefers and “Emphasize that neither DoD nor the Army maintain or publish any centralized list of specific organizations considered to be extremist in nature or in opposition to the Army’s core values.”

No sooner had that fire been contained than word arrived on a 600 page Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute training manual that “healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian” men – members of what the text calls the “White Male Club” – hold an unfair advantage over other service members. “Simply put, a healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian male receives many unearned advantages of social privilege, whereas a black, homosexual, atheist female in poor health receives many unearned disadvantages of social privilege.”

Meanwhile, The Patriot is still aggressively pursuing answers about the removal of “So help me God” from Cadet and Officer oaths at the Air Force academy, an apparent subterfuge by the Obama administration to provide a proxy, Michael Weinstein, with a layup, a legal “gimme,” which he can ultimately parlay into the removal of “So help me God” from every military oath.