The Patriot Post® · Will Trump Accept O'Rourke's Gun-Ban Gift?

By Mark Alexander ·

The Trump administration is getting a lot of pushback from Liberty and Second Amendment advocacy groups regarding proposed broader and more enhanced background checks for firearm purchases. While most Americans believe all firearm purchasers should be qualified, there is a very legitimate concern that implementing background checks for any firearm transfer under any circumstance will lead to a national firearm registry.

But Donald Trump was given a gift by Beto O'Rourke when the latter used the Demo debate stage to expose the Democrats’ long-range gun-confiscation objective.

When asked, “Are you proposing taking away their guns and how would this work?” O'Rourke responded, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47!” And by extension, all other firearms…

Congressional Democrats are furious at O'Rourke for exposing their confiscation goals. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer deceptively declared, “I don’t know of any other Democrat who agrees with Beto O'Rourke.”

O'Rourke provided Trump an “easy out” from the current gun-control debate. Trump can declare that O'Rourke has poisoned the debate and that no “sensible” (as Democrats insist) policy discussion is possible now given O'Rourke’s comments. Trump can kill two birds with one stone — undermining O'Rourke’s support by blaming him for killing further policy discussion at this time.

Trump responded, “Dummy Beto made it much harder to make a deal. Convinced many that Dems just want to take your guns away. Will continue forward!”

But Trump should not “continue forward.” He should take O'Rourke’s gun-ban gift and drop any further debate.