The Patriot Post® · MSM Run Debate Interference for Chicken Joe

By Emmy Griffin ·

Throughout this Republican primary season, former President Donald Trump refrained from engaging in debates with the other candidates. Right or wrong, this was evidently the best campaign strategy for him. As the last candidate standing for the Republicans, Trump has rightly set his sights on the current president, Joe Biden.

Trump has been very clear regarding his desire to debate Scranton Joe “anytime, anywhere, anyplace.” Yet Biden knows this would be a huge misstep for him and his campaign, and because Trump refused to debate his GOP opponents, Biden feels he has a leg to stand on in refusing and avoiding debates.

Frankly, debating Trump would expose too much weakness in Biden. It would only serve to keep fresh in the minds of the American public how much he is compromised in the speech department (though every time he has even minor Q&As with the press, that weakness is made abundantly clear).

Biden has been in an obvious state of mental and physical decline since the beginning of his presidency. Never was that more obvious than after Special Counsel Robert Hur found him too senile to prosecute and Biden’s disastrous press conference after the fact. Yet, in the face of his obvious fading, Democrats of all stripes continue to assert that Biden is still with it.

A perfect example of this was demonstrated in Jordan Peterson’s interview with Congressman Dean Phillips (D-MN), former presidential candidate running against Joe Biden. Phillips, though being a rival for the Democrat nomination, was still very kind to the president, calling him an empathetic man and stating: “Is he incompetent? No. Is he facing cognitive decline? I do not believe so at all. Is he facing physical and communication decline? Absolutely.”

The clear and obvious retort is that a president in physical and communication decline is a dangerous person to have at the helm of the country regardless of how “with it” Democrats insist Biden is. This is partially why Phillips himself ran: to provide an alternative.

Our country is likely to have a Biden-Trump rematch in November, barring any last-minute switcheroo by the Democrats.

To prevent such an event from occurring, the mainstream media is doing their usual song and dance of shilling for Biden. MSNBC — the Democrats’ most reliable propaganda outlet — ran a piece in early April entitled, “Trump’s preoccupation with debating Biden reaches a new level.”

The article, written by Steve Benen, offers several explanations for why Biden shouldn’t have to debate Trump. Benen first attempts to paint Trump as a desperate candidate. That is to say, because Trump is so obviously showing weakness in repeatedly and persistently challenging Biden to a debate, Biden is totally justified in turning him down.

Benen’s next tactic is to argue, “There was a time in the not-too-distant past when presidential debates were rarities — there were no such events in 1964, 1968, and 1972 election cycles.” What Benen neglected to add is the “why.” Why did presidential debates become a staple? Benen is correct in stating that they are not required or assured. However, following the 1984 election, there was a public hunger for seeing the leading presidential candidates debate so that voters could get a better sense of their positions and who they were as a person. In fact, a commission was formed to ensure just that.

The next argument centers on Trump’s behavior during the 2020 presidential debates. Trump, being as pugnacious as he was, was a “national embarrassment.” The current national embarrassment, however, is clearly Biden, who is not in a fit state to lead the United States due to his age-related senility.

MSNBC is throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks so that the American public will let Biden off the hook if he chooses not to debate. But the reality of the matter is that Biden and his team are afraid of further exposure and humiliation of our aging current president. A debate with Biden would only further show a man in decline.

The American public has a short attention span, but not so short as to overlook a botched debate due to Biden’s failing faculties.