The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Thank you for sending comments on our news, policy, and opinion — we review every one of them. Here are a few reader perspectives, which don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: Economy Stumbles, Media to Blame

“I’ve been reading and listening to the media on the Biden economy for two-plus years, and over this past summer the worm turned. Suddenly the media started getting a little squishy on the ‘Bidenomics’ propaganda coming from the White House. This softness has been increasing by the day. My theory on why and what happened: The Bidenomics they were supposed to be giving the raving reviews for finally reached their pocketbooks and wallets. People like Joe Biden and Robert Reich haven’t seen a checkbook or account statement in decades because they have more money than they know what to do with and haven’t felt a thing. The deeper the pile of cash, the more insulated these rats become from reality. They must go!” —Oregon

“The media? The media that cheer on the dismantling of the most remarkable nation ever to exist? This is exactly what the Democrats are pushing … but then many my age might have gotten a real education on the bias of the ‘media’ when they nightly cheered on the slaughter and ultimate burning to death of almost 86 men, women, and children in Waco, Texas, under the dubious presidency of Bill Clinton.” —Colorado

Re: World Burns While Biden Calls a Lid

“If President Biden decides not to do anything on any particular day, is that not a good thing? If he ‘does’ something, is the situation not bound to get worse? And although it seems as though our government should, perhaps, be consulting with our allies in Israel to offer advice or assistance if needed, methinks that the Israelis are very competent to deal with this situation without any help or advice from our current White House occupant. I have little doubt that Israel could lay waste to the entire Gaza Strip if sufficiently provoked. And it could be said that once in a while we actually do need to stay out of someone else’s conflict.” —Florida

“Voters should have realized Biden’s handlers had a lid on him when he was placed in his Delaware home basement during the campaign for the 2020 presidential election, removing that lid only when they thought it ‘prudent.’ With the aid of the mainstream media, he managed to become the president, and our nation and the world have suffered as a most unfortunate result. Shame on the media and the duped U.S. electorate. Indeed, ‘the lid to this ruinous presidency can’t come soon enough.’” —Florida

Re: Jew Warns Appeaser President of Nuclear Threat

“This analysis was historically informative and applicable to the present day appeaser, Joe Biden. Alexander is right: It doesn’t take an Einstein to connect the dots between Hamas, Iran and the emerging nuclear threat posed by Iran’s ‘Islamic Bomb,’ but it does take more than a presidential appeaser.” —Virginia

Re: In Brief: Israel Must Eradicate Hamas

“It is very much evident that the Hamas of today is the ISIS of yesterday. The carnage and total lack of moral and civilized concern for babies, elderly, students, young women, and adults have been revealed to the world. Muslim nations celebrating the slaughter of humanity is sickening. The mantra of these animals is ‘Today Israel, tomorrow America.’ With the no-border government attitude, I am sure cells are already stationed in America awaiting orders to create mayhem of the greatest order.” —Georgia

Re: Self-Defense: Wealthy White Suburban Women v. Poor Black Urban Women

“The creeping, now galloping, tyranny of the federal government is the reason the Second Amendment is so vital and why leftists like Gavin Newsom want to eliminate it!” —Tennessee

“One would think the privileged, pampered, spoiled, suburban, white women would inform themselves of the fate of unarmed Jewish women, children, and babies falling into the hands of Hamas. Of course, as Alexander noted, wealthy liberals depend on others for their safety and security.” —Minnesota

“Howling hypocrites say they want to ‘protect children’ with ‘gun control’ while promoting abortion. If not for double standards, Democrats would have no standards!” —New York

Re: It’s (Third) Party Time

“The great American that is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an interesting candidate. He follows the INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS traditions of his father and John F. Kennedy Sr. Too bad many of his current relatives failed to grasp the importance of individual rights. May I suggest some basic and fundamental education with a course from Hillsdale College on The Federalist Papers written by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison.” —New Hampshire

Re: Jack Phillips Prepares to Plead Another Case

“Jack’s bakery is in a western suburb of Denver. We live in a southeast suburb or I’d be there more frequently to buy his delicious confections. You are right — he is being persecuted for standing up for his beliefs. The first suit from the gay couple showed that. He had sold them cakes before that were his off-the-shelf cakes, but when they asked him to make him a special cake for their wedding he demurred and said that they could buy one of his already created cakes. But no, they had to force him to do so via a lawsuit. There were plenty of bakeries in the area that would have made the cake they desired, but instead it was all about forcing him to do something against his beliefs. The latest case is just a repeat of this one.” —Colorado

“‘Phillips has precedent, but more importantly he has the foundational rights underpinning the Constitution of the United States on his side.’ This assessment prompts ominous thoughts. 1) How long can we expect this precedent to endure? 2) How much time is left before SCOTUS redefines the current application of the Constitution’s guaranteed right to free speech? 3) How long until the fundamental rights to freedom of conscience will be denied? Perhaps we should learn to rely less upon precedent, the Constitution, and fundamental rights and learn to trust in God. TRUTH makes us free. The Constitution is a tool that reflects that truth.” —Missouri

Re: The Homeowners Insurance Racket

“‘Climate change has become a convenient scapegoat for bad [insurance] policy…’ True, but I think there’s more to it than just finding a way to spin increased premiums. If the Democrats have their way, any company that produces energy via fossil fuels will eventually be held legally and financially liable for the dubious effects of climate change, in much the same way the tobacco companies were treated as a cash cow. By blaming higher insurance costs on climate change, insurers are paving the way for getting their slice of that future pie.” —Georgia

Re: MLB Pitcher’s #MeToo Accuser Strikes Out

“There are lots of vile, evil women who are willing to lie and destroy the lives and careers of men in order to see their name in print and make money.” —Minnesota

Re: Profiles of Valor — BG Joseph Stringham

“Thanks for this and ALL valor profiles in Patriot Post. These are visceral reminders of the cost of freedom. I served two tours with ‘Smokin’ Joe’ and it was an honor and a privilege!” —California