Jew Warns Appeaser President of Nuclear Threat
As Iran readies its rollout of the “Islamic bomb,” Biden takes a nap.
Ahead of World War II, the United States and Britain were besieged with isolationists and appeasers — those who did not want to confront the rise of evil in Europe and asserted they could avoid the inevitable.
In Europe, UK Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain promoted his “peace for our time” appeasement of Adolf Hitler’s NAZI Party. (Recall that NAZI is an acronym for Hitler’s antisemitic National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei). That’s right, the bloodiest fascists in history were, in fact, socialists.)
That did not end well because appeasement never does.
It took the courage of Sir Winston Churchill to correct the bloody error of Chamberlain’s ways. Amid the darkest of days in human history and against seemingly insurmountable odds against the NAZIs, Churchill declared: “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never — in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”
In the U.S., the appeaser was a wealthy leftist, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who believed the U.S. could remain neutral. That is until December 7, 1941, when Hitler’s ally Japan decimated our Pacific Fleet at the remote island of Hawaii. It took that “date which will live in infamy” for Roosevelt to finally discard his isolationist appeasement.
Today, of course, the appeaser is Joe Biden, who, like other Democrat Party appeasers before him — namely Bill Clinton and Barack Obama — is now directly responsible for three dates of infamy.
First, his disastrous surrender and retreat from Afghanistan, and the resurrection of the Taliban and their ISIS and al-Qa'ida allies.
Second, the bloody invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin, enabled by Biden’s abject ineptitude — and posing a much greater threat to the U.S. and NATO.
And now, the invasion of Israel by Iranian-backed terror surrogate Hamas, an invasion also enabled by Biden’s appeasement and ineptitude.
All of the above occurred because power does not tolerate a vacuum or a vacuous appeaser like Biden.
So what does this have to do with a warning from a prominent Jew about a rising nuclear threat?
On this date, October 11, 1939, longtime friend and adviser to FDR Alexander Sachs met with Roosevelt to elevate the president’s attention to a letter about the rising nuclear threat. It was written by one of history’s most prominent scientists, a German-born Jew named Albert Einstein, who had immigrated to the U.S. in 1933. A longtime pacifist, Einstein expressed his concern that the NAZIs would develop an atomic bomb first, and he laid out the scientific feasibility of atomic weapons, urging FDR to initiate the development of a U.S. atomic program.
A week later, Roosevelt responded to Einstein, notifying him he had set up a committee of civilian and military principals to study the threat. It marked the beginning of the Manhattan Project, the product of which would end the war with Japan.
Fast-forward: Biden’s appeasement of Iran, and its rapidly approaching rollout of its nuclear “Islamic bomb,” is an existential threat to the U.S. and our allies that Biden can no longer avoid. But in his remarks about the attack on Israel this week, he made no mention of Iran.
It doesn’t take an Einstein to connect the dots between Hamas, Iran and the emerging nuclear threat posed by Iran’s “Islamic Bomb,” but it does take more than a presidential appeaser.
For the record, remember when candidate Joe Biden was promoting himself as the foreign policy expert with “the experience to lead.” According to the Biden campaign: “We live in the most dangerous moment in a generation. Our world, set on edge by an erratic, unstable president. This is a moment that requires strong, steady, stable leadership. We need someone tested, and trusted around the world. This is a moment for Joe Biden – a president with the experience to lead.”
Biden declared that Barack Obama chose him as a running mate because of his foreign policy expertise.
On the campaign trail he insisted: “Right now, we don’t really have a foreign policy. I’m not being facetious – we don’t have a foreign policy,” and as a consummate liar, he said, “We are embracing thugs like Putin and Kim Jong-un. This president’s talking about love letters with a butcher.” Biden insisted that we need a president “who can truly unite this nation at home and someone who can command the respect of world leaders on day one.” He concluded: “Day One you gotta be able to stand up and the world know you know what you’re talking about. Know you know what you’re saying. And know you mean what you say. We have to set aside our divisions and come together as Americans.”
How’s that working out?