The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We review all comments and appreciate your response. We select a few that sharpen the understanding on a topic. If you would like to leave a comment, you will find a “Comment” button at the bottom of every article on our website.

Re: MLB’s All-Star Backpedal in Georgia

Leftists’ manufactured outrage at Georgia’s election integrity law was never about the substance of the law, but the fact that its passage represented a challenge to their “minority disenfranchisement” claims. The Major League All-Star Game was removed from Atlanta and sent to Denver, but Colorado’s election laws were already more stringent that the new ones in Georgia. —Georgia

Re: Nikki Haley’s Free Speech Miscue

Everyone is guaranteed the right to free speech, that is true. But I do not recollect anything in the Constitution that guarantees everyone a right to online anonymity. (Probably the Founders didn’t think about that in the 1700s.) I strongly suspect that if everyone posting on social media were required to reveal their actual identity that the conversation would be a lot more polite and well thought out. A lot of the crap that shows up online would never occur during a face-to-face conversation, which eliminating anonymity would essentially be. And let’s be honest, the constitution applies to people, not avatars. —Florida

(Editor’s reply: Publius could not be reached for comment.)

Re: A Rough Road Ahead for EVs

It is amusing to watch normally intelligent people fall for the government story on what is best for everyone. It is not really their business and they fail at most attempts to guide business in a useful direction. Anyone still waiting for their government financed solar panels to work? —Washington

Re: RNC: Biden Caves to China’s Xi

Every statement in the article is correct. However, the GOP takes no action. At the very least, Republican legislators should call attention to these items by introducing legislation and forcing open voting to highlight the danger/cupidity of the Biden policies. How about legislation to ban TikTok, prohibit PRC from buying farmland, prohibit Chinese and other foreign governments to donate to our schools and universities, etc. Instead, the RNC chooses to postulate and make sound bites without taking aggressive steps to resolve or at least bring these items to the uninformed American public and force the politicians to demonstrate where their loyalties lie. —California

Re: Democrats CAN Clean Things Up

The problems in San Francisco were caused by the state government. Once the Democrats took over totally, the state of California fell into decay. The same happens elsewhere when government legalizes every drug known to man to make people addicted. Homelessness is not a way of life nor should it be. Extremely high taxes, regulations, lack of policing, poor government actions which benefit the people in power and destroy a state. It is a straight line from the government to everything that is wrong with the state and for that matter our country. —Arizona

Re: Oregon Drug Legalization Predictably Backfires

The idea of decriminalizing drugs and cutting police departments are glaring examples of Democrats creating a problem and not knowing how to fix it. You can’t reverse engineer stupidity. The idiot mayor in New York is cutting back the police department to free up money to pay for illegals there. Let that sink in. The drug problem is worse because too many feel-good solutions proposed just don’t work. Incarceration with mandatory treatment is one step, but it can’t be a two-week process. It has to be a long haul to give the patient time to realize they are sick and come to the conclusion that they need help. —West Virginia

Re: Thankful

Dear Ron, I am so grateful for men like you and your brother, Roger. You have been brave and bold, both in your military careers and your ministries for God. I met Roger and Shirley when I spent time in Teen Challenge in Omaha, 1988. My life was pretty much tattered and torn. What was there to be grateful for? It drove me to find change and peace. Would I appreciate it so much if I hadn’t hit bottom first? They showed me mercy and grace. I am thankful to God for men like you who have stayed faithful and served wherever God has placed you and through all that He has asked of you. God bless! —North Dakota

Re: A Brave Voice in the Leftist Academic Wasteland

Bravo Zulu David Decosimo! Stand your ground! —Massachusetts

As a Boston University graduate whose husband and daughter also graduated from BU, it is my hope that the incoming president will take a hard look at this Kendi and his shenanigans. Until then, many of us are withholding our annual and estate financial support. Thank you David Decosimo for calling out the Kendi farce, and to Alexander for highlighting Decosimo’s courage! —Massachusetts

**Re: The LGBTQ+ Gender Confusion Celebration Calendar

That is an LONG list of dates — is the Hallmark Card company on board? —Illinois

The only date on the LGBT calendar I’ll recognize and promote is the April 22nd “Day of Silence.” In fact, I’d readily support them shutting up year round. —Georgia

This absence list notes 27 days, 7 weeks, and 4 months for a total of 198 days. Veterans get 1 day; 2, if you throw in Memorial Day. Enough of this garbage. —New Hampshire

Quick, let’s declare August “Normal People Month”! —Minnesota