The Patriot Post® · COVID Vaccines Create Disruptive Proteins in Quarter of Recipients

By Emmy Griffin ·

The UK-based Telegraph is reporting that a quarter of COVID mRNA vaccine recipients experienced an unwanted “nonsense protein” that is aggravating their immune system’s response to the vaccine.

It’s a temporary reaction, and the genetic gobbledygook created by the vaccines roughly 25% of the time seems to be harmless in this vaccine. However, there is a real fear that in subsequent mRNA vaccines that this nonsense protein could become a rogue protein. Rogue proteins are the culprits behind degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis.

This insistence that the COVID mRNA vaccines are totally harmless even with this protein “glitch” seems like a dubious claim. Hot Air’s David Strom echoes this sentiment, stating: “With billions of doses having been distributed, it seems very unlikely to me that the researchers can categorically state that none of the nonsense proteins did anything harmful. The claim, in fact, seems quite implausible since they freely admit that in future mRNA vaccines this could easily not be the case.”

One might also ask, why report about the “nonsense proteins” at all if they are harmless? Perhaps, as Strom also speculates, scientists are still under tremendous pressure to happy-talk the mRNA vaccines to maintain political peace.

It’s also pretty telling that this information was brought to public attention from a UK-based publication. It’s almost as if American media would rather stuff all controversy about the vaccines under the rug. That, and Americans are so over COVID at this point that many will shrug at yet another story about bad vaccine side effects. Really, the biggest issue with COVID vaccines is not that there were side effects; it’s the dictatorial mandates and bully tactics of the leftists to force the hands of those who didn’t want to take the vaccine. That must not be forgotten.

The mRNA vaccine technology was always an experiment. It was a Hail Mary pass during an uncertain time.

Let’s take a walk down memory lane. The COVID vaccines were developed with an assist from President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence spearheading Operation Warp Speed, which essentially was reducing government hurdles to production and approval.

This was Trump’s initiative, ergo Democrats claimed at the time they wouldn’t dare touch a vaccine that Trump had a hand in creating. When President Joe Biden came to office in January 2021, that vaccine became victory laurels for President Biden, who immediately started bullying states into dictating the distribution of the vaccines.

Most of us who were following the latest news on COVID’s ravages — particularly out of countries like Italy — knew in March 2020 that COVID was mostly affecting the elderly and immunocompromised. Yet this was not how the vaccines were distributed. Vocation was the first determining factor, but it didn’t take long for power to get to the heads of Team Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

By September 2021 — less than a year after Biden took office — the president started declaring that vaccines should be state mandated (by law the federal government cannot issue such mandates). In a speech with possibly the worst optics of this presidency (which is saying something), Biden declared that those who were still hesitant about getting a COVID vaccine were causing the pandemic to continue. “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” he thundered.

That rhetoric spurred companies to start enforcing vaccine mandates. People had to obtain vaccine passports and proof of vaccination to continue working at certain companies or to travel anywhere. Many people were also forced to put on a mask — even toddlers. The military discharged thousands of warriors because they refused to comply with the vaccine mandate, only now offering a weak mea culpa.

Also in late 2021, enforcers came after school children even though schools were not superspreaders of the virus. In fact, most children suffered only mild symptoms, but there were talks that bureaucrats were going to add COVID vaccination as a coming-back-to-school prerequisite, which then turned into threats of making the vaccine requirement permanent.

As this was going on, vaccine side effects were starting to come to light. First, there was an ever-growing spate of young healthy men and women experiencing serious heart problems after taking the mRNA vaccine and its boosters. They had heart problems such as myocarditis, pericarditis, and cardiac arrhythmia that led to heart attacks and heart failure.

Next, studies started to come out about pregnant women and the COVID vaccine consequences for their unborn and future children. The mRNA vaccines have been known to disrupt a woman’s menstrual cycle and show up in the breast milk that is being given to her tiny baby. (Perhaps other unknown side effects are still to be documented.) These studies came out in late 2022. As this writer stated at the time, the truth about the COVID vaccine and its side effects has been a slow trickle, and lots of it is not so good.

Three years after the vaccines were made, companies like Pfizer are starting to face a reckoning.

Late last month, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that the Lone Star State was suing Pfizer specifically for misrepresenting the efficacy of the COVID vaccines and the subsequent boosters. Pfizer claimed that its vaccine was 95% effective in preventing COVID. This over-representation of the efficacy of the vaccine was quickly debunked by real life. Ironically so, in some cases, like when quadruple-vaxxed President Biden still got COVID not once but twice.

Most of the American population is cooling down on COVID vaccine boosters. People know the vaccines aren’t working the way that politicians, Big Pharma, and leftist alarmists promised they would. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just 17% of the population in late 2023 is even bothering to get a booster.

As more information continues to trickle out about the vaccines and their side effects, one thing is for certain: mRNA technology in general and the COVID vaccine in particular need more tweaking to prevent unintended consequences. Furthermore, mandating the vaccines was a stupid and reckless move that preyed on a scared population and further divided the country. Thanks, President Unity™.