The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We review all comments and appreciate your response. We select a few that sharpen the understanding on a topic. If you would like to leave a comment, you will find a “Comment” button at the bottom of every article on our website.

Re: Does the GOP Have the Guts to Impeach Mayorkas?

“Republicans have never had political courage. Mark Levin says the first article of impeachment for Joe Biden should be failure to secure the border since it’s in the Constitution. Same for Mayorkas. Reagan said the biggest mistake he made was granting amnesty to three million illegals. Democrats promised border security in return but never did. Republicans should have learned then but didn’t that Democrats can’t be trusted.” —Minnesota

“The last sentence of Mr. Weber’s article says it all: ‘But that’s going to take something the GOP doesn’t seem to have: political courage.’ The GOP has had chances to fix the border problem but has always lacked the intestinal fortitude required to take action.” —California

“If there were no freebees in the U.S., the illegals would leave on their own, at no expense to the taxpayers. Under the Constitution, illegals have no rights whatsoever, no matter what our liberals claim. Cut off all freebees including jobs, bank accounts, medical care, education, housing, and food, just to name a few. Fine all employers who pay cash and/or fails to report an illegal to the feds. Pass a federal law that all states will assist and cooperate with ICE or lose all federal aid (taxpayer money).” —Michigan

Re: Social Distancing ‘Sort of Just Appeared’

“Yes, I am one that lost my job because of a jab mandate. Forty-two years with the biggest player in pharma and medical distribution. My wife has been an RN for 35 years. We could see with our own eyes that the trials and approval processes for these mRNA ‘vaccines’ cut corners and rushed a process that should take years. We have never regretted our decision. The result of all of this is a distrust of any guidance that will ever come from the medical establishment. So many physicians didn’t question any of this at all. So sad. Thanks for continuing to shine the light of truth on criminals like Fauci.” —Michigan

“DJT absolutely does not get a pass from me regarding COVID. Look, we were all scared and/or confused in March 2020. But by June, when the CDC said that there were health benefits to protesting (burning down cities) without a mask, the jig was clearly up. DJT needs to offer some sort of contrition that he over-trusted experts and won’t do that again, but he refuses to. He is campaigning on the fact that he made the vaccines happen. Until he shows me and others (I am not alone) that he was deceived and he has learned from it, he will never earn my primary vote. Of course, since I understand how elections work, I will support the ‘not Democrat’ candidate in the general.” —Texas

Re: In Brief: Rethinking Trump

“I disagree that Trump encouraged disorder on January 6, when he specifically said to march peaceably. Not one of the other candidates can pull off what will be necessary to get this country back on track. The only one, maybe, is Ron DeSantis. But he will have to be Reaganesque in his words, outlook, and actions. Otherwise, we might just have a real revolution. We can’t continue on the current trajectory for four more years. China will own us.” —Massachusetts

Re: Hunter Biden’s Unbridled Contempt

“Why weren’t the cuffs slapped on Hunter as he was walking out the door? This goes to show America the GOP is not serious about impeachments or congressional contempt charges.” —Wisconsin

Re: Washington State’s ‘Privilege’ Ammo Tax

“The ammo dealers in Northern Idaho that are tied to the money must be jumping with joy over the proposed ammo tax in Washington. Most of the Eastern Washington population centers are very close to the Idaho line and towns/cities.” —Florida