The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We review all comments and appreciate your response. We select a few that sharpen the understanding on a topic. If you would like to leave a comment, you will find a “Comment” button at the bottom of every article on our website.

Re: Thank You, Ron DeSantis

“Great tribute to DeSantis, but as it pertains to Biden on the Demo ticket this November, there is no way that he will step down. His goal in life has been to become president. He is too arrogant and full of himself to allow that to happen without a fight. That being said, one additional replacement only Democrat strategists whisper about is Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.” —New Jersey

“My money is on DeSantis for Trump’s attorney general!” —Texas

“Trump/DeSantis? Alexander is correct to raise this constitutional issue. The 12th Amendment precludes an elector from choosing both the president and vice president being from the same state as the elector. It does not prevent both president and vice president from being from the same state. Trump could select DeSantis as his running mate, but he would then surrender all of Florida’s Electoral College votes to his opponent, or have to declare his residency in another state.” —Colorado

“An honorable exit by an honorable man who will be back in 2028. Now he can work full time to make Florida better and possibly flip a few Demo seats to Republican. As for the Trump ‘chaos,’ a lot of that was generated by his opponents, not Trump.” —Florida

“One good thing about this year’s election is that neither Biden nor Trump will ever run for president again. I hope in 2028 we can look forward to a new generation of leaders like DeSantis as our party nominee. The Boomer generation of political leaders passed its sell-by date a long time ago.” —California

“May God help us if Michelle Obama ends up on the ticket as one of the Biden alternates. The country elected a Manchurian candidate in the form of her husband, a closet Marxist. And then her? Please no.” —Massachusetts

Re: Elizabeth Warren Says Congress Needs a Raise

“Those poor members of Congress only get $174,000? That pittance, for the work they do? Horrible, absolutely horrible. For shame, for shame! That measly amount, divided by 365 days, comes out to only $476.72 a day. Such poverty in the noble halls of Congress is heartbreaking. They are the elite, the noble, the absolute cream of our nation, and they are treated so badly. How can they keep the life that their excellence earns — eating file minion, drinking the best liqueurs, wearing the most fashionable suits and dresses — at that pitiful salary? We, the non-elite, the peasants, should demand they increase the taxes so that we can increase our donations of thanks that they rule over us so magnanimously, as it is.” —Missouri

“Shouldn’t any raise be performance-based? Like with most all of Americans? Briefly, tell us what you actually accomplished, and at what cost to taxpayers. Itemize, if you will, proposed budget cuts, reduced spending, reduced free stuff, and elimination of redundant and obsolete programs. What program audits have you called for?” —Florida

“I think these senators and representatives should all bunk in a dormitory-style abode, with a communal kitchen and living area. They can do their laundry in the communal laundromat onsite, too. And make them pay ‘tuition’ to stay there, just like college kids have to. They do not need luxury apartments with maid service and doormen. Heck, let them take the bus to work or bike. I’ll wager that there wouldn’t be so many ‘lifers’ in Congress if they had to live like that. One final thought: No more of this ‘Let’s vote ourselves a raise’ crap. They get a fixed salary and that’s it. Time to smack down these lazy bums.” —Minnesota

Re: A Bureaucrat on Every Boat?

“If we ever have an Article V Convention of States, one of the first amendments to consider should be one that states, ‘The legislative power set forth in Article I, Section 1 cannot be delegated to any other branch of government, and any law made pursuant to any such delegation shall be null, void, and of no effect.’” —Arizona

Re: The Red (Hat) Scare: Deep State Searches MAGA Transactions

“I will wear my ‘Make America Great Again’ hat proudly. I am not scared of the Left, and I will not cower before its attempts to silence me! Joe Biden and his ilk are the threats to this Republic, and if they think they are going to intimidate us all into obedience and silence, well, they will have a REAL fight on their hands.” —Florida

Re: Kerry Heads for Greener Pastures

“John Kerry. The man who has robbed millions from the government. He has done nothing to add for the good of our country, but has taken bags of money from it. Just another Joe Briben lackey boy who is clueless and useless. He leaves with millions and nothing to show for it but a big waste of taxpayer money. That’s all he wanted from the start, because they all know this climate change racket of theirs is nothing but show and will be like a fart in a tornado in the long haul. It’s shameful they would take from our country and give nothing in return.” —Tennessee