The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We review all comments and appreciate your response. We select a few that sharpen the understanding on a topic. If you would like to leave a comment, you will find a “Comment” button at the bottom of every article on our website.

Re: The Demo-Induced Police Recruitment, Retention, and Morale Crisis

“Not sure what Alexander was writing about. Here in Chicago, we have no crime and an abundance of cops on every corner! No violent assaults and murders here! Biden has made Chicago great again! Wait, was that a gunshot?” —Illinois

“Here in San Francisco, we are paying a heavy price for Biden’s cop-hating pandering to the radical elements of his constituency, if these elements are even distinguishable from his constituency as a whole. How in the world did we get to a place where a city will not prosecute a shoplifter unless the amount stollen exceeds $999? There was a lot of attention a while back to the intrusion at Pelosi’s residence, but little or no attention to the daily violent assaults on residents who are not wealthy.” —California

“Lest we forget, when Biden was VP for Barack Obama’s eight long interminable years, they declared war on our cops. Their reign of terror back then brought about multiple assassinations of police officers. I have a good friend — a SWAT team leader, trainer, and career law enforcement officer — who retired at 50 because of the war on his profession.” —Colorado

Re: Texas Strikes Back, and the Illegals Are Unhappy

“Hey Texas, here is a way you can help us keep more illegal alien invaders out of our country. Build walls on private and public land with gates manned by Texas officials. Then only allow citizens heading north to pass through. The backup would soon close the border-crossing points, forcing the invaders to stay in Mexico or to find their way home.” —Florida

Re: Is Sports Illustrated Down for the Count?

“Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch. I remember subscribing to it in the ‘80s, and I read practically every word. I canceled my subscription around 1990, the day I ran across an issue featuring a full-page ad from what was then Handgun Control, Inc. titled 'The Home Is No Place For A Handgun.’ I picked it up again one day in October of 2011 and found that year’s World Series win by the St. Louis Cardinals buried on page 83 instead of on the cover where it belonged. Not a good business model when you try to make up for your leftism and partisanship by becoming irrelevant.” —Oklahoma

“It’s hard to believe that a human being could have witnessed the Bud Light fiasco and still taken a once-venerable magazine down this path. Somebody go look through the office door and see if there are still any actual people working at Sports Illustrated at all. If not, that would be appropriate, given that very few actual people still care to read it.” —Georgia

Re: Democrats Run Hard on Abortion

“I agree with your premise about men and abortion, that most believe that it ‘absolves them of responsibility for any children conceived from their own selfish actions.’ But, having been complicit in an abortion at the age of 18, I can tell you that it is not only women ‘who must bear the emotional burden of ending a life.’ For over 50 years I have carried that burden, with deep regret, and forever wondering what my child might have accomplished had I had the courage and the fortitude to see that pregnancy through. And I will till the day I exit this world.” —Washington

“I would like to see pro-life people show up en masse at every Biden/Harris event from now until election day and make their voices heard. This administration allows pro-death groups to attend its events and spew their infanticide message. Pro-life advocates should be afforded the same privilege. If an event turns into both sides drowning out Biden/Harris, perhaps even forcing them to retreat from the stage, so be it. Leftists like to shout down anyone who disagrees with their bilge; it’s time to turn the tables and give them a taste of their own medicine.” —West Virginia

Re: Biden’s Student Loan Debt Pawns

“The trade unions and unaffiliated workers should get together and hold a massive ongoing demonstration in front of Joe Biden’s house. There could be enough people involved to keep it going no matter where he may be at a given time. A student loan is a contract and the terms must be fulfilled. It is not up to the taxpaying public, including those who never went to college, to pay the bills of those who don’t understand the meaning of the word ‘contract.’ I mean, what kind of crap is that? Joe Biden gets away with his brazen lying and distortion style of governing because the ‘free’ press is owned. Remember, he reminded us not to mess with him because he has the F-16s. I find THAT to be a threat. Lord save us.” —Ohio

Re: The Trump Enigma

“Take a look at Trump’s foreign policy record. He contained the bad guys for four years. Now, including the ‘good guys’ at the WEF, WHO, and other tyrants, they are running wild to bring the world into their camp as subjects, not citizens. Trump will demolish them. He will demolish the teachers unions and the universities by turning off the spigot. He will implode the executive branches that have been crucifying us with administrative law and mandates. Hopefully he will bring God back into our lives. And hopefully he will groom the next Trump.” —Massachusetts

Re: Rigged J6 Committee Deleted Key Files Just Before Losing House

“The J6 Committee has destroyed records and withheld video of J6, and nothing was done. Crooks hide things, honest people don’t, so who are the crooks?” —Minnesota

Re: Profiles of Valor: LtCol Robert Pardo

“Some years ago when working in DC I was reading a book titled Pardo’s Push. One of our young researchers came into my office to discuss a project and, seeing the book on my desk, he asked what I thought. As a fighter pilot, I enjoy reading about the heroics of other fighter pilots and told him so. He then told me his dad was Bob Houghton, the WSO in the F-4 that Pardo pushed. Small world!” —Georgia

“As a former fighter pilot also attached to the 433rd Tactical Fighter Squadron in Viet Nam, let me affirm that Alexander’s account of Pardo’s Push is accurate. Some accounts get this wrong, but it happened as he outlined.” —New Mexico