The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” sections. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: The Silent Epidemic of Going ‘No Contact’

“The Internet is destroying societies all over the world. Users develop very time-consuming and anti-social behavior patterns using the Internet. Years ago my wife and I had lunch at a restaurant whose layout was a very long line of four-person booths along a nicely windowed wall. Every booth was full — a young man on one side of the table and a young woman on the other side. We watched these youngsters on their cell phones and not one couple was talking to each other; they were on their electronic devices. I think the Internet should be used for transmission of scientific/medical data only and the ‘civilian’ market terminated.” —Iowa

“Sad as this may be, the truth is not visible. What means of support do these children receive? To whom do they turn when the car breaks down or there is a medical emergency? Without resources the world can be a mean place. Harsh as this sounds, there needs to be some form of support system with young adults. When do parents close the pocketbook? Phone, Internet, car insurance, college expenses, college loans, rent, medical insurance, credit card debt, new clothing … the list goes on.” —Washington

“Not only are they being taught their biological families are ‘disposable and unimportant,’ they are being taught that any form of discipline or correction is worthy of a call to child protective services because their ‘rights’ are being violated. This is happening in Montana right now, and it seems like the government thinks it has more rights to raise children than parents. That is called communism, folks. You didn’t have your children for the government to raise them and tell them what to think and how to behave. Hopefully you had them because you love children and want for them to be the best humans they can possibly be. I do not pretend to know what the solution is. It is so sad for everyone involved.” —Montana

“We have learned to deal with and move on from being shunned by both of our children for not attending our daughter’s homosexual ‘wedding.’ We are Christ followers, and what she’s doing is a sin that we won’t participate in, as she is very well aware. As my husband said when we received the invitation, weddings are celebrations, and we cannot celebrate this sin.” —California

“The words used to persuade children to cut off contact with their parents are very similar to those used by various cults in the 1970s and ‘80s. But the cult of today is a humanist sect that has taken over the public schools. Efforts to deprogram its victims will be opposed not only on leftist-run social media but by leading teachers unions and most of the university faculties, and in blue state. Besides perverted gender and race ideologies, this cult includes the state and their 'ideal’ society among their gods, so it is fascistic. Pray that your children are not deceived. Continue speaking the truth in love, and remember that speaking the truth, no matter how your children hate to hear it, is loving.” —Minnesota

Re: Trump Puts NATO on Notice Again

“In the 1930s, the West, at that time principally Britain, France, Poland, and Czechoslovakia, were skimping on defense expenditures and the result was WWII. They very nearly lost that war but seem to have learned nothing from the experience. Even today, NATO is not producing the weapons at the level needed to defend itself, let alone also supply Ukraine. While experience may be the best teacher, nothing is learned if the lesson is ignored.” —Kentucky

Re: Taylor Swift for Biden?

“I would expect Swift to be an automaton when it comes to her political views — just hopping on board with her fellow lefties. No surprise. There doesn’t seem to be much original or independent thought regarding politics when you are a star. You are surrounded by dumbfounding sameness, and rarely do you see any deviation. So, who cares what Swift thinks about who is president? She will be on board with Biden no matter how slow, addled, and out of touch he is. Joe is where he has wanted to be his entire political life. Anyone to the right of center will most likely find her thoughts very dull and alienating.” —New York

Re: The Latest on That Mysterious J6 Pipe Bomber

“How did the ‘plain-clothes LEO’ discover the bombs? Was he able to detect a ‘giveaway’ odor after the police canine failed to ‘alert’ on anything? Did he receive special ‘sniffing’ lessons from another ‘prominent’ individual?” —Texas

Re: The CIA Started the Russia Collusion Hoax

“No surprise here. Many of us have suspected this from day one. Those preyed upon have written books that have exposed it. Computer store owner John Paul Mac Isaacs wrote in his book that Obama knew everything. If you read books you learn the truth. Authors are never asked the right questions that expose the truth.” —Minnesota