The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Short Cuts

By Nate Jackson ·

For the Record

“My team and I conducted a thorough, independent investigation. We identified evidence that the President willfully retained classified materials after the end of his vice presidency, when he was a private citizen.” —Special Counsel Robert Hur, who subsequently decided not to charge Biden because he’s senile


“So this lengthy, expensive and independent investigation resulted in a complete exoneration of President Joe Biden.” —Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) (“I did not exonerate him. That word does not appear in the report, Congresswoman.” —Robert Hur)

“Mr. Hur, you cannot tell me you’re so naive as to think your words would not have created a political firestorm. You understood that … when you decided to go beyond specific references to documents, you understood how they would be manipulated by my colleagues here on the GOP side of the aisle by President Trump. … That was a political choice. It was the wrong choice.” —Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who manipulated evidence to help impeach Trump twice (“I could have written my report theoretically in a way that omitted references to the president’s memory. But that would have been an incomplete and improper report.” —Robert Hur)

“You use your report to trash and smear President Biden. … You knew that that would play into the Republicans’ narrative that the President is unfit for office because he’s senile.” —Rep. Hank “Guam might capsize” Johnson (D-GA)

Cognitive Impairment

“Biden is asked whether all materials marked ‘Eyes Only’ is classified. ‘I’m not sure.’ This transcript will be a gold mine for Trump in classified documents case.” —Julie Kelly

“Biden doesn’t have a stutter. He has dementia. You know it, I know it, and everyone with eyes and ears knows it. He’s a senile, demented old man who has no idea who or where he is half the time.” —Sean Davis

Biden’s Budget Nightmare

“President Biden treats the taxpayers as though we are limitless ATMs. Every dollar taken by the government from those who earned it is a dollar not spent on a family’s dinner table, a child’s education, or a retirement plan.” —Senator Rand Paul

“Why is the federal government not even close to a balanced budget? … Economies that are actually thriving don’t need a federal government spending $1.8 trillion more than it is taking in.” —Dominic Pino

“The president isn’t simply raising taxes to close the deficit, he’s raising it to expand government.” —Manhattan Institute’s Brian Riedl

“If you make $50,000 a year and you’re already $340,000 in debt, why not put $73,000 more on the credit card for funsies?” —Commodore Vanderbilt

“Notice Democrats never suggest cutting a single dollar in spending, or eliminating programs that don’t work, or have exceeded their "sell-by” date. Instead, they demand more from the successful to subsidize and buy votes from people who pay no taxes, many of whom receive government checks.“ —Cal Thomas

Re: The Left

"Joe Biden has more respect for the dignity of illegal aliens crossing our border than he does for the victims of criminal illegal aliens. Where was Laken Riley’s dignity when her skull was being crushed?” —Gary Bauer

Trump Derangement Syndrome

“If your response to Trump’s assault on our democracy is to lie & cover up what he did, attack the brave men & women who came forward with the truth, and defend the criminals who violently assaulted the Capitol, you need to rethink whose side you’re on. Hint: It’s not America’s.” —Liz Cheney (“This week further evidence revealed it was Liz Cheney who lied and covered up the truth, concealing much exculpatory evidence from her show trial rooted in her overwhelming hatred for one man and his supporters. She should definitely rethink about what side she’s on.” —Mollie Hemingway)

And Last

“I feel like Israel causes a lot of problems by being the one country in the Middle East that isn’t Muslim majority while at the same time being the best country there to live in by an order of magnitude.” —Frank J. Fleming