The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” sections. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Schumer’s Foreign Election Interference

“Oh, but it’s OK if the Democrats do it, since they are highly aligned with the intelligence-industrial complex. If the Republicans do it, and it runs contrary to the agenda of the intelligence-industrial complex and its proxies, it’s an impeachable offense.” —New Jersey

“By now the Palestinians should know that their elected representatives are not responsive to the needs of the people. Stand up and remove them before you are all destroyed. If you prefer living in fear, you can just wait. If Israel needs help in how to surrender, just ask Biden.” —Washington

“I expect Donald Trump would not have swept this year’s GOP presidential primaries (or at least not so resoundingly) had the Left not spent the last four years or more mercilessly persecuting the man. Although everyone knows Trump’s faults, the Left’s unfair attacks have energized Republicans. But Democrats never seem to learn from their mistakes. Now, the incendiary rhetoric from Schumer and Biden against the leader of our only free and democratic ally in the Middle East is likely to light a fire under Israeli voters in the same way. Maybe even more so. Israeli citizens will rightly consider Schumer’s talk about their elections and leadership as not only unseemly but frankly none of his business.” —Georgia

Re: Robert Hur Buries Biden

“Hur sounds like one of those gifted political animals that surface in every regime who knows just how much to say and when to say it. I’m glad he emphasized that he did NOT exonerate Biden just to stick it to the Dems trying to put him on their leash. However, I’m sure they are diligently attempting to dig up dirt on Hur just in case anyone remembers his rather charitable description of the dementia patient in the White House when they vote in November.” —Pennsylvania

Re: What Happened to West Point?

“Not so at the Virginia Military Institute, where George C. Marshall graduated and George Patton attended prior to receiving an appointment to West Point. If one is found guilty of lying, cheating, or stealing, they are summarily drummed out of the Corps of Cadets and dismissed from the school and never allowed to set foot on the grounds again. Harsh, yes, but those traits cannot be allowed, especially in a military environment. Their name is never spoken again by anyone associated with VMI.” —Texas

“ALL West Point graduates must unite to protest and demand that ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ be immediately restored as the academy’s motto. They owe it to themselves and, more importantly, to the long line of outstanding graduate leaders and heroes.” —Florida

Re: NYT Promotes Race-Based Admissions Workarounds

“The Left’s approach is entirely wrong. Racial disparity in qualification is a symptom, not a cause. It’s evident that much persistent familial poverty is due to fatherlessness and lack of interest in work or education. The right answer is to promote work and education. That’s harder than teaching ‘social activism,’ which consists largely of yelling, screaming, and blaming others for one’s circumstances. Learning for work requires more of the students. But when they understand that they are far more likely to prosper by honest work, and that diligence in study of well-chosen and properly taught subjects greatly improves one’s ability to provide valuable services and be paid more, they will see the purpose.” —Minnesota

Re: Inflation Is Sticking Around

“Janet Yellen now ‘regrets’ having said Bidenflation would be ‘transitory.’ Well isn’t that nice. As we say in the South, ‘Bless her heart.’ Milton Friedman (a better economist than Yellen) once said, ‘Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program.’ That’s true, but a close second would have to be the debt and inflation that spending on those programs engenders.” —Georgia

Re: Humanity’s Bid for Extinction

“The WEF globalist elites promoting human population reduction also support both the LGBTQ+ movement and unlimited abortion. It is likely that there is an intentional connection — making people psychologically unwilling or, in the case of ‘trans’ victims, physically unable to reproduce is a step in the direction of reducing the birth rate. It is telling that both abortion and gender confusion are pushed primarily in the United States, Canada, and Europe — regions commonly accused of being the most ‘destructive to the environment’ and home to those most able to resist the manipulation of the globalists, yet most susceptible to their propaganda.” —Minnesota

Re: Transgender ‘Health’ Is Anti-Science

“This fetish to push vulnerable children into ‘trans’ thinking should be stopped at the state level. No minor children should be allowed to choose for themselves whether or not to have surgery or take hormone drugs. They are not allowed to buy cigarettes or alcohol or to vote, yet far too many in our land jump for joy every time a child is mutilated or takes drugs. No one can in fact change his gender.” —California