The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Anti-2A NY Court Convicts Gunsmith

“Who does Judge Darkeh think he is that he can just blow away a right guaranteed to us in the Constitution? What part of ‘shall not be infringed’ doesn’t he understand? This blatantly unconstitutional verdict should easily be overturned in federal court.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Wray Dismisses Charges of FBI’s Politicization

“We the People have no respect for the FBI. It has no integrity and deserve nothing. Author Max Holland said in his book that Nixon refused to replace Hoover with someone from within because they were corrupt and had been when Hoover took over in 1924. It never improved. Hoover had dirt on everyone and controlled DC.” —Minnesota

Re: Inflation Up, GDP Down, and Biden Wants to Raise Taxes

“Why do Biden and his crew continually penalize our country’s best producers, our wealthiest citizens? Does he even understand what an economy is? How it works? An economy is dang sure not generated by anything our government does. Our economy carries on, or tries to, despite Biden and the government. Go ahead, Joe, raise our taxes. Zing the wealthy especially hard. They’ll just lay off workers or shut down their businesses rather than put up with the idiocy that flows out of Washington, DC.” —Texas

Re: More Lawfare Against Giuliani, Meadows, Eastman, Others

“Arizona is suing 18 Trump people including Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, Mark Meadows, and John Eastman, just as they did many others. These are not wealthy people, and the Democrats are trying to break them financially. Trump can fight, but they’re trying to break him as well. This is what Hitler, Stalin, and other dictators did, and unless Republicans decide to stand up and fight, this will continue.” —Minnesota

Re: Arguing Over What DEI Even Is

“The worst thing about DEI is that it places unqualified persons in life and death positions, such as airline pilots, ship captains, and doctors, to name a few. Biden placed incompetent ‘quota hires’ in every one of his cabinet positions, even the military.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Revisiting Net Neutrality

“The ISPs NOT run by leftists seem to be working just fine. It’s those run by leftists that are the real problem. They usurp the public right to know, to see, to hear, and to make up their own minds. The once open source of ideas, AOL, is one of the worst offenders. Yahoo isn’t far behind, but Facebook and Twitter get all the attention because they picked on Trump and Musk. They are actually newbies and far down the list of most flagrant violators.” —California

Re: Yes, Facebook Interfered in Our Elections

“Facebook’s censorship went well beyond rejecting political ads and suppressing news outlets. Facebook also interfered with discussions between individuals by removing posts arguing for the conservative viewpoints. I discovered I was being shadow-banned when I tried to post a defense of the personhood of unborn children and did not receive any of the expected responses and discovered nobody else in the group had seen it. After the 2020 election, when I realized the extent to which Facebook had engaged in corporate misconduct (including interfering in private discussions in a manner that would have had telephone operators fired and prosecuted), I fired Facebook. Since then, I’ve found news comment sections to be a better use of time.” —Minnesota

Re: In Brief: The Pro-Life Movement Has a Storytelling Problem

“Imagine if there was such a thing as birth control that was widely available in numerous convenient forms and often for little to no cost. Imagine if there were numerous places where a women could obtain such a magical thing to prevent pregnancy so she wouldn’t have to view abortion as the sole means of dealing with the messy consequences of her own behavior. There’s a lot of wiggle room between ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and simply being personally responsible, and all without ever having to murder your children.” —Pennsylvania