The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Suppressing Free Speech Is Not the Anti-Semitism Solution

“Anti-Semitism is a very bad thing. I have seen the results of anti-Semitism in Germany at a place called Bergin-Belson. This was back in 1987 while I was in Germany with the U.S. Army. It was a very moving experience to be there. What I remember most was the utter silence. No birds or wildlife would go anywhere near there. The animals and birds know that Bergin-Belson is a place of death. We cannot let this happen again. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, and that seems to be coming true. It’s like we are living in 1930s Germany all over again!” —Indiana

Re: Send Columbia Students to Gaza

“Liberal universities will be brought to heel only if the feds stop sending money to them. For the life of me, I cannot understand why we are sending billions of dollars to elite private universities that have endowments of billions of dollars and are anti-America with their courses and policies. If the GOP were serious about stopping the turmoil, it would pass a bill stopping the funding to all private universities instead of a wishy-washy speech bill. Unfortunately, the GOP is more interested in sound bites than taking meaningful action!” —California

Re: Gen N: The Narcissist Generation

“This was a remarkable analysis — the first I have seen that really sums up the current generation of narcissists. And yes, these are generalizations; thank God this does not apply to all in these age groups.” —Washington

“More than anything I have read on the current generational mindset, this column defines in detail what is wrong with a significant number of Millennials and Gen Z today. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we have some of these in our family.” —Massachusetts

“I’m a Boomer who was blessed to have parents and grandparents who understood the value of good governance and our role in maintaining it, including a work ethic. We were taught that if it was worth doing, it was worth doing right. Working toward goals was a key lesson. Self-reliance was important, and at 21 I went with my husband and a small child to live in Germany for over three years. Today, kids this age are still at home. These perpetual children need to learn some hard lessons.” —Alabama

Re: MTG Launches Her House Speakership Coup

“Sadly, we have a few ‘Republicans’ who are more interested in building their personal ‘brand’ than in doing the serious work of governing. All they know how to do is protest. They know nothing about constructive governing. Boebert, Gaetz, and MTG are the Republicans’ version of ‘The Squad.’ All three of them deserve to be primaried by more serious-minded conservatives.” —California

“Enough of this tomfoolery! You Republicans need to grow up and concentrate on what you intend to do if you rewin the House in November. Congress is ripe for the taking, and you idiots are bound and determined to ruin it. Donald Trump will need all the help he can get when he wins in November. Now, get to work with a plan on what you all will do to get America back on her feet!” —Indiana

Re: Having Babies Is a ‘Right-Wing Plot’?

“So leftists, who fantasize over open borders and salivate when we’re overrun by millions of third-world peasants whom they immediately want to stuff into voting booths, have started muttering insensibly about conservatives out to create a supermajority via a birth explosion. How comical. Out here in the provinces where I live, we’re capable of cleaning our own toilets, walking our own dogs, cooking our own greasy meals, and planting/picking our own crops; we don’t need a foreign invasion to do it for us. Also, we tend to have more children than yuppies mired in big-city quagmires. Also, perhaps if fewer guilt-ridden, neurotic women would quit murdering their own children in the womb, the B2D ratio would improve. One can hope.” —Oklahoma

Re: Middle School Girls Banned for Taking a Stand

“Congratulations to these five young ladies who have the courage of their convictions to stand up to the lunacy of the trans movement. When someone who is a boy thinks he is a girl, he should not be accommodated as a girl. He should be referred for some deep psychoanalysis and treatment. I just read Emmy Griffin’s article about how the UK is stepping back from the trans movement, and the U.S. needs to follow suit. Immediately!” —West Virginia

“This old Ohio boy never fails to be shocked at the mindlessness of so-called leaders. Girls competing against boys is nothing short of cruel and unusual punishment. While it is possible that a really strong and talented girl could defeat a boy in a shot competition, the fact remains that in most cases the deck is stacked against the girls. I hope the school board and that coach for whom winning seems to be everything pay through the nose and are shamed out of town.” —Ohio

Re: Sow to the Wind, Reap the Whirlwind

“Mr. Helle’s article is 100% true. We have failed as a society to instill American pride in our youth and have been too permissive in our ‘tolerance’ to the cultures of our immigrants. I am an immigrant and cannot understand why we have to subvert our American principles to multiculturalism. Recent immigrants do not assimilate to American culture and principles but wish to bend our society to their culture and beliefs, which to me begs the question: If your culture and society were so great, why did you leave your country? So our country is now fractured by numerous cultures clashing with each other and with American culture. Look at your next Medicare or health insurance EOB; it’s offered at ‘no cost’ in 20 languages.” —California

Re: In Brief: How to Talk to Your Neighbor About Election Integrity

“I grew up watching the Chicago elections, and people always talked about the dead people who voted. We have been living with election integrity issues for decades. When one party dominates, it makes fun of the other party for asking questions. Too many excuses for allowing the problem to fester. Government cannot fix itself. I pray for honest people in the roles that count votes.” —Wisconsin

Re: Profiles of Valor: “Bobby” Ray

“Thank you for this reminder about the great American Patriots who secured our freedom at great cost, and reminding us they are still among us today!” —California

Re: Profiles of Valor: Farewell, Ralph Puckett

“America does not get better than this. Thank you for this profile of Col. Puckett!” —Texas