The Patriot Post® · The Rainbow Mafia's Foolish Alliance

By Samantha Koch ·

It’s time to put away the pro-Palestinian decorations and dig out the stored boxes of pride flags and rainbow paraphernalia. That’s right. We’re moving from college protest season to Pride Month in June, the time when Americans are expected to honor the depraved fetishes of the mentally ill and label this misfit minority as “brave” for the degenerate intimate activities they carry out in private.

Amidst the unrest happening on college campuses in recent weeks, it feels as though Pride Month snuck up on us this year. The two are related, however. Celebrations are about to erupt across the country to praise the countless gender-confused identities of those who have normalized some of the most vile behaviors in society while they simultaneously express their solidarity with a group of people who would throw them off a building for pedaling their nonsense. It’s quite the moment in history.

Pro-Hamas rallies throughout the country have been led by many loud and proud members of the “LGBTQIA community.” The existence of groups like “Queers for Palestine” leave most of us wondering if we should laugh or shake our heads in disbelief. Or both. These deeply delusional and demonstratively uneducated activists are under the false impression that they could exist in peace under their made-up pronouns and open expressions of their sexual preferences in places like Gaza, and that the terrorist organization they are calling on to wipe Jewish people off the planet would stand with them in their mutual position against Israel.

This foolishness is obvious to anyone living in the real world, as members of Islam consistently and publicly decry rainbow activities and often punish those who act on those feelings.

A clip of a British Islamic scholar went viral on social media recently because he blamed Hamas losses on the presence of far too many gay people at the pro-Palestinian protests in the West. Apparently, they are not concerned about being labeled as “homophobes” or “transphobes” or about losing their jobs for not being “inclusive.”

Even more astonishing is that prominent LGBTQ organizers have acknowledged that the primary source of the threats they receive on a global scale during Pride Month come directly from the very terrorist groups that many are destroying their own academic institutions to support. “We get threats annually,” admitted Sandra Perez, executive director or NYC Pride. “We get threats throughout the year.”

Ahead of the upcoming Pride festivities, the FBI and DHS are warning event organizers about “the threat of foreign terrorist organizations targeting LGBTQIA+ related events and venues.” The agencies point to the discovery of “an English-language messaging board” that contained “anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric and rallied against the growth and promotion of the LGBTQIA+ community.”

Also noted in the official public service announcement is the remembrance of the June 2016 Pulse Night Club shooting in Orlando, Florida, in which 49 people were killed and 53 wounded by an Islamist. That murderous rampage was celebrated by foreign terrorist organizations.

Coming in second place amongst the leading risks to the alphabet activists and their growing group of puzzled perverts are the very members with whom they share gender labels, poster boards, and college campsites — the “LGBTQIA community.”

Last year, before the kickoff of Pride Month, there was a significant public outcry against Target and its agenda to focus rainbow merchandise on children and babies. There was predictable backlash because many people are not on board with the gender madness. In response, Target has now toned down the rainbow displays in many stores.

Target insisted that the move was out of concern for the safety of employees because of how those opposed to the constant display of rainbows and gender ideology might react. But the real story is that numerous bomb threats made to various stores throughout the U.S. came from members of the LGBTQIA mob who were angered by the retail chain’s capitulation to the supposedly “hateful” Right.

What a time to be alive. We’re watching the sheep rally for their own slaughter and attack anyone who tries to save them from their own demise.

Screeching leftists continue to hold their blue-haired rallies for terrorists, who teach their young people to hate and murder anyone with even the slightest deviance from one of the only two scientifically recognized binary gender labels. At the same time, the mainstream media and Democrat political leaders fuel the outrage mob with the lie that their army of mental patients should only fear Christian conservatives with their Bibles and American flags.