The Patriot Post® · Friday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Spin Doctors

“[Biden’s] making the point that the factors that caused inflation to climb to 9% were in place when he took office.” —Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Jared Bernstein

“The point that [Biden] was making is that the factors that cause inflation was [sic] in place … when he took office.” —White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

Appropriated Press

“White House blocks release of Biden’s special counsel interview audio, says GOP is being political.” —Associated Press

For the Record

“Celebrations are about to erupt across the country to praise the countless gender-confused identities of those who have normalized some of the most vile behaviors in society while they simultaneously express their solidarity with a group of people who would throw them off a building for pedaling their nonsense. It’s quite the moment in history.” —Samantha Koch

“Civilization is more and more a race between education and catastrophe, and the latter is winning because education has been diverted into drivel.” —Armstrong Williams

Political Futures

“Just 2% of voters say that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be the most important issue in deciding their vote in The New York Times poll, and 4% of voters age 18-29. … In other words, in fishing for voters who are small in number and outside the mainstream, Biden has further discredited himself and his leadership with his equivocation.” —Rich Lowry

“Biden is not so much an octogenarian as an unhealthy and prematurely aging 80-year-old. It is America’s irony that he is fit for almost no other job in the country other than the presidency, which apparently allows for a three-day-a-week ceremonial role while others in the shadows run the country.” —Victor Davis Hanson

“We have one candidate whose doctors don’t want him walking, and one whose lawyers don’t want him talking.” —Dan McLaughlin

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

“Is there anyone who believes that allowing the Trump tax cuts to expire at the end of next year will cause politicians to suddenly become responsible about spending should they gain additional revenue?” —Cal Thomas

A Blind Squirrel Finds a Nut

“I like when people say what they need to say. He’s at a Catholic college. He’s a staunch Catholic. These are his beliefs and he’s welcome to them.” —"The View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg, of all people, defending Harrison Butker

And Last…

“Just so we’re clear: NFL players can beat their wives or girlfriends, drive drunk, and do hard drugs, but we draw the line at them saying ‘Christ is king.’ Got it.” —Kevin Sorbo

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