The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Fauci’s Blame-Shifting Revisionism

“No one ever asks the question of why studies to increase the virility of viruses are being done in the first place. Unlike bacteria, parasites, fungi, etc., treatment of viruses is limited and in some cases nonexistent. Vaccines, when properly designed and tested, can boost the immune system, and the anti-retroviral meds for HIV can suppress the virus effect, but not eliminate it. So why are we trying to make a more lethal virus?” —New Hampshire

“There are a lot of issues around this whole period. However, to me the most overriding is how we physicians were told to sit down and shut up. I don’t think the general public really realizes how absolutely brain-dead that is. Physicians all go to fantastic schools with fantastic research. All of us. The guys in the academic centers are necessary and helpful, but they are not smarter or better. Only two physicians who actually treated patients were ever on TV.” —Montana

“Some may derive some satisfaction from seeing those representatives and senators with integrity grill the heads of federal agencies. I do not. What I see are bureaucracies with administrative power exceeding laws that have been written by Congress. I remember when the quasi-legal term ‘and promulgate rules necessary to achieve legislative intent.’ That power has long reached beyond the authority of Congress, which exists solely to express the will of the American people, its informed consent. It is not ‘We the People’ when government employees can make egregious decisions, cover them up, sit before a committee and smile, and leave the room with impunity.” —California

“No government employee (including elected) should be paid by anyone for the work their job entails. Literally, our government was bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry and the sick industry (we don’t have a health industry). When Trump was holding daily briefings before the COVID shutdown, Fauci would stand in the background and grin like the Cheshire cat of ‘Alice in Wonderland.’ That for me was the first red flag that we were being set up as a nation. Congress must pass legislation to stop government employees from earning income related to their work, and now.” —Wisconsin

Re: A Big Weekend for a ‘Convicted Felon’

“I have a hard time deciding which is worse: The ability of our legal system to convict a person of a felony on rather questionable evidence of several misdemeanors, or the sad state of our political system that presents us with a doddering octogenarian and a (perhaps wrongfully) convicted, rather elderly felon as our choices to lead the country. Seriously, are these the best our country has to offer? It makes me want to weep. I think we desperately need to get rid of this two-party political system (both of which seem to be corrupt in various ways) and find a different, better way to elect our leaders.” —Florida

Re: In Brief: A Prostituted Court and Verdict

“Bragg and Merchan made themselves look so bad that appeals could go on until way after the election. Were I Mr. Trump, I would let my attorneys handle the appeals and just campaign really, really hard. That will blow the minds of the mainstream media, which in reality is the stoker of the furnaces of hatred. Trump needs to stop talking about countries emptying their prisons and insane asylums into the U.S. and focus on the terrorist threat.” —Ohio

Re: Jill Biden’s ‘Evil’ Ways

“Jill: My husband has integrity, he’s strong, he’s steady, he’s a leader, he’s smart, he’s energetic. Us: You realize we can see him, right?” —Illinois

Re: MLB, Negro Leagues Rewrite the Record Books

“If it can be documented that the level of play in the Negro Leagues was major league rather than AA or some other minor league (no easy task given that many of the technological tools presently used to measure the difference were not available in those days), then there is nothing wrong with ranking their players with American League and National League players of the time. Nevertheless, to maintain historical context and usefulness, the database should include the league(s) in which the players participated. Let those who seek the information decide its value to them.” —Minnesota

Re: ‘No Justice, No Peace!’

“It seems OK to execute police officers these days. Who are the racists now? The 12-year-old in Cleveland was a big kid brandishing a toy gun that looked like a real gun. I think people need to go to stores and look at the toy guns. Back during WWII, I had a toy pistol that looked quite real. We had toy Tommy guns. My generation never went out and shot up the streets and stores, but then we were socialized by our two parents. We knew who our father was. It makes a big difference.” —Ohio

Re: Pride Month Is Gross

“‘Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.’ ‘Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.’ Taking pride in behavior that is declared abominable in Scripture is surely an affront to the Creator. We will get haughty scowls, mockery, denunciation, and worse for saying so, but we dare not remain silent, for silence puts us under judgment as loveless. As the Lord said to His prophet Ezekiel, ‘When I say to the wicked, "O wicked man, you shall surely die!” and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand.’ True love warns of the peril.“ —Minnesota

"The liberal MSM has a lot to do with the apathetic lack of revulsion to ‘Pride.’ How many fewer people would tolerate it if ‘queer’ (dictionary synonyms: odd, strange, different) was used instead of ‘gay’ (a word that has been bastardized by queers to make their deviant lifestyle more acceptable)?” —Florida