The Patriot Post® · The D-Day 'Nazi' Hunter

By Nate Jackson ·

Ever since they decided to recast Nazis as “right-wingers,” leftists have dedicated their lives to hunting Nazis everywhere. Just like those brave men on the beaches of Normandy, they’ll have you know.

It’s disgraceful enough to compare virtually anything to the stunning bravery and heroism on display that fateful day in northern France. The day on which 2,501 Americans gave their lives to liberate Europe and preserve freedom even here, an ocean away. Total Allied deaths were 4,414, with 73,000 dying in the ensuing Battle of Normandy, after which more than 150,000 others came home with literal battle scars.

But it’s downright despicable to compare the Patriots of today with the Left’s ideological cousins in Germany.

The word Nazi is the German acronym for National Socialist German Workers’ Party, which doesn’t sound very right-wing to me. Adolf Hitler’s party exercised totalitarian control over the lives of Germans and the nation’s economy, which doesn’t sound very conservative to me. The Nazis conquered most of continental Europe, subjecting various people groups to their tyranny — all while murdering six million Jews in an ethnic genocide and millions of others through various brutality and battle — which doesn’t sound very much like the American Spirit to me.

No, the Nazis were socialists of the worst sort, essentially differing from communists only in their preference for nationalism and race instead of internationalism and class. Both are totalitarian left-wing ideologies.

Enter Hillary Clinton, the latest contestant in the Left’s favorite game, “Everyone I Don’t Like Is Hitler.”

On yesterday’s 80th anniversary of D-Day, Clinton asserted on X, “Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy. This November, all we have to do is vote.”

The language was slippery and Clintonesque enough for her to avoid directly comparing Donald Trump and his supporters to Nazis, but the fact that she “protected democracy” by turning off comments on her post was just another clue to what she meant.

She cheapened and disgraced the sacrifice of the soldiers of D-Day while grossly insulting half of her fellow Americans. Pretty much another day in the life of Hillary Clinton.

Going to vote, even if you have to wait in line — never mind voting early or mailing it in — is nothing like storming the beaches of Normandy under heavy machine-gun fire from 50,000 enemy troops. No one in America — not even the ideological kindred spirits occupying college campuses to call for another genocide of Jews — is actually doing what the Nazis did.

This isn’t new territory for Clinton, either. Last November, she opined that “Hitler was duly elected, right?” She called Trump somebody with “dictatorial, authoritarian tendencies.”

Last I checked, that described Joe Biden and his party, which is currently trying to put Trump in jail for “crimes.”

Last October, Hillary mused that “there needs to be a formal deprogramming of [Trump] cult members.” People fighting Nazis don’t set up concentration camps.

Clinton isn’t alone among Democrats, though. Paula Collins, the Democrat challenging Republican Elise Stefanik for her New York House seat, had the same idea for fighting back. “Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after we’ve gone through this MAGA nightmare and re-educating basically, which, that sounds like a rather, a re-education camp. I don’t think we really want to call it that,” Collins said. “I’m sure we can find another way to phrase it.”

Yeah, the only problem is the phrasing and labeling. Democrats already control the public schools, which teach the falsehood that Nazis were right-wingers. It’s never enough for them, though.

As for any comparison with the warriors of D-Day, there simply isn’t one. All we can do is live our lives worthy of their sacrifice. That means fighting for American values as outlined in our founding documents.

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