The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Stop Mutilating Kids and Indicting People Who Say So

“We desperately need to find out what has been seeping into the water supply that makes some people believe that men can be women and women can be men, and sometimes neither or both. Then, once we have identified this dangerous substance, we can filter it out and start working on a cure for those poor unfortunates who have been afflicted.” —Florida

“‘Transition affirmation is not proven to be safe or effective long term.’ True, but many youth hate themselves during puberty. They wonder what’s wrong with them, and, classically, there’s been no answer from adults other than ‘hang in there and things will get better.’ Puberty runs its course, but not when leftists abuse our kids by implanting in them the idea that they are the wrong sex and that gender emasculation is the cure.” —Illinois

“My husband and I are retired MD and RN. There are people with gender dysphoria. They deserve compassion and kindness. However, children should be able to consent before submitting to gender surgery. One doesn’t decide gender. Parents who allow and encourage such disfigurement should be charged with child abuse. Providers of these horrible procedures should lose their license and go to jail. Parents are told kids may commit suicide. Research shows little difference before and after surgery. How much irreparable damage occurs to nerves and sex function? Being depressed doesn’t indicate dysphoria, nor does disinterest in the opposite sex. Providers, advocates, and parents need evaluation for personality disorders.” —South Carolina

“The descent into madness I believe started in earnest with Barack Obama. I can’t help but wonder if he is somehow involved in this indescribable evil against the innocents. What’s being done to children is no less than King Herod’s mania to destroy all baby boys of two years old to ultimately destroy the Christ Child. To Christ’s disciples who were shooing away the children, He said, ‘suffer the children to come unto Me.’ I have no doubt whatsoever that those who mutilate children for obvious repulsive reasons will be melting with fear when they stand before the Great White Throne of our God.” —Colorado

Re: In Brief: Disney’s ‘Gayest’ Star Wars Show Yet

“Walt Disney’s name should be removed from this organization now devoted to disgracing and destroying the dream he began. What the liberal, woke, leftist, immoral management of the Disney entertainment colossus is doing is identical to what the present Democrat Party nihilist bureaucracy is doing to our constitutional republic.” —North Carolina

Re: U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission

“Of course, one way to diminish the Chinese threat would be to stop buying their exports. This would mean a lot of empty shelves in this country, at least until businesses here figure out how to manufacture stuff again. But eventually our lack of dependence on China for so much of our goods would make it a lot easier to take a tough stand toward it politically.” —Florida

Re: EU Elections a Harbinger for November?

“These ‘far-right’ folks are just normal, hardworking people who are tired of high prices on everything due to ‘green’ policies, uncontrolled crime due to uncontrolled immigration, and the erosion of the rights guaranteed to them by God.” —Tennessee

“Leftists panic over the rising popularity of conservative government, seeing it always as a ‘threat to democracy.’ It never seems to occur to them that by democracy’s very nature, whichever side has the support of the electorate inevitably comes to power (unless rigged elections confound the will of the people). They don’t really care about ‘democracy,’ only about achieving and retaining power. Whether that comes by popular vote or by pulling a sword from a stone is irrelevant as long as they can still abort babies.” —Georgia

Re: Biden the Benevolent EV Mandater

“So, what has happened here is that all the gullible lefties (and maybe a few speed freaks) went out right away and bought an EV based on some vague promises and exaggerated benefits. Now, most all of the ‘early adopters’ have learned their lesson the hard way, and the sensible people are still refusing to buy an EV for the reasons we are now all well aware of. If the battery technology improves enough to where they are much less expensive, can be recycled, and can be recharged in a reasonable time and at a useful number of places, then maybe someday EVs may begin to attract customers again.” —Florida

“Lower range, higher purchase prices, and inconvenience are only part of the cost Americans will bear as car companies try to meet ever-more-stringent mileage standards. Manufacturers will work to increase sales of the electric vehicles in their fleets, but they’ll also make the other vehicles lighter and lighter in an effort to boost their fuel economy. This happened before after the OPEC oil embargo of the early ‘70s, which ushered in a decade of cheap and unsafe cars. In a crash, the mass of the vehicle is an important factor in the safety of the occupants. But as more and more battery-heavy EVs hit the road, the rest of us will be driving in tinfoil deathtraps. The new CAFE standards will be measured in lost American lives.” —Georgia