June 11, 2024

EU Elections a Harbinger for November?

European voters soundly rejected mass immigration and onerous climate controls. Americans should follow suit.

They say the biggest reason to watch what happens in Europe is that it will soon happen here in America. Major European Union elections over the weekend were a huge rebuke of open borders, extreme climate controls, and cultural degradation. May it come here next.

Generally speaking, the first thing to know about Europe is that “extreme” or “radical” or “far right-wing” over there may be roughly equivalent to Sometimes-Republican Susan Collins here. Some might say it’s anything to the right of Karl Marx. Meanwhile, the socialists are called “centrists” or maybe “center-left.”

Another thing to know is that Right versus Left in Europe is more about nationalist versus globalist than it is about limited government and individual liberty versus entitlement state control. It’s also about immigration.

With that said, and knowing how American leftists misclassify and see Nazis everywhere, the American Leftmedia has gone into total hysterics about the sweeping “far-right” victories all over Europe. Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, and elsewhere all saw right-wing parties gain seats and power, resulting even in some resignations among the ruling left-wing elites.

The panic among American leftists is palpable.

In France, just after welcoming fellow left-winger Joe Biden for the D-Day festivities, President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the National Assembly and called for snap elections in light of surging support for Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party and the collapse of his own. Macron didn’t do so gladly, of course. “The rise of nationalists and demagogues is a danger for our nation and for Europe,” he said. Nevertheless, “After this day, I cannot go on as though nothing has happened.”

In Germany, the right-wing AfD party took second place in Sunday’s election, while left-wing Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats finished third. Leftist Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo resigned following his party’s huge defeat.

For all the high-minded talk about “democracy,” whenever leftists lose elections, they cry about the damage and threat to democracy. “Everywhere in Europe,” worried Raphaël Glucksmann, France’s lead Socialist candidate, “we are witnessing a wave that is shaking our democracy.” Americans are hardly different. Sheri Berman, professor at Columbia “We Hate Jews” University, opined, “Growing support for right-wing populists in Western Europe may not be an existential crisis for democracy currently, but it is a warning that must be taken seriously.”

According to these clowns, voters choosing “incorrectly” in relatively high-turnout elections is a threat and an existential crisis.

No wonder European voters chose right-wing parties.

One of the driving issues was climate change — or rather, the rejection of the Left’s “solutions” to it. As it turns out, voters prefer a healthy economy to a forever-distant utopian vision of a supposedly greener planet. Or, as Spanish journalist Itxu Diaz put it, “So much that is intended to save the planet simply makes life more difficult for its inhabitants.”

While subjecting economies to stifling climate regulations, the globalists also want to destroy borders and cultures in their effort to gain power and influence. Voters, on the other hand, are alarmed by the mass migration that is fundamentally changing Europe. Importing endless numbers of anti-democratic and often lawless foreigners is not a recipe for saving democracy.

The Washington Examiner editorial board summarized it this way:

Many news outlets and other political participants refer to the nationalist parties as “extreme” or “far right” but do not justify that obvious effort at denigration. The parties vary from country to country, but they share a deep unhappiness with the admission of millions of immigrants from around the world into their countries. It is not just that the immigrants get public benefits at taxpayer expense, which is expensive, nor is it simply that migrant populations are often allowed to break laws with impunity, which is grating undermines public peace. It is also that they refuse, and indeed are encouraged, to refuse to assimilate into the cultures in which they have moved to live.

In America, the old idea of a melting pot that created something uniquely American has been cast aside in favor of the mosaic — a culture in which countless identity groups vie for attention and keep score of their grievances. So it has become in Europe, which means the wave of rebuke for that way of government holds some hope for us here in the States.

Immigration was the most important issue in Germany and a close second in France. Middle Eastern Muslims have flooded into both countries in recent years, all while globalist elites lecture native Germans and French about racism and bigotry. That sounds familiar.

Ronald Reagan once warned, “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.” That’s true in Joe Biden’s America, and it’s true in the globalist nightmare of Europe. Maybe that’s about to change.

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