The Patriot Post® · Two-Tiered Justice Lives On

By Emmy Griffin ·

The Washington Post is on a roll this week trying to gaslight the American people into believing that there is no two-tiered justice in America. In a piece covering First Son Hunter Biden’s conviction, the Post’s editorial board said, “No one is above the law, not even the president’s son.” The editors ended with: “It’s past time for Mr. Biden to finally take full personal responsibility for the consequences of his destructive behavior. He was clearly guilty of the three crimes a jury of his peers convicted him of. He needs to think less about his own interests and more about what’s best for his father’s reelection hopes — and the country.”

You see, they also acknowledge that Hunter’s conviction is a triumph of justice. Except, let’s rewind to August 2023, when the Post wrote about Hunter’s plea deal falling apart. The outfit compared Hunter’s crimes to that of the lawfare snares entangling former President Donald Trump, saying, “The situations are much different: Trump is charged with mishandling classified documents and attempting to overturn the 2020 election, while Hunter Biden faces misdemeanor tax charges and allegations of lying about his drug use when purchasing a gun. Most crucially, Trump is a former president who is seeking a return to the White House, while Hunter Biden is a private citizen.”

How quickly the tune changes when it’s expedient for the Left.

When Democrats tell us that justice is served because both Donald Trump and Hunter Biden have been convicted of crimes, it’s a lie. As our Nate Jackson pointed out yesterday:

Special Counsel David Weiss trotted out the same line Democrats have been parroting regarding Trump’s conviction: “No one in this country is above the law.” Hunter’s conviction does seem to convey that, but thanks to Weiss, he nearly avoided trial entirely. First of all, Weiss slow-walked the prosecution for years, hoping to let things — pardon the pun — blow over. He then worked out a sweetheart plea deal that only fell apart thanks to an honest judge.

So spare me the “no one is above the law” nonsense. The rotten David Weiss tried to make sure Hunter was above it.

But there are other instances of two-tiered justice that we see almost daily. A most pertinent example, it being “Pride Month” and all, is just how quickly and viciously vandals are prosecuted if they dare to smudge a rainbow mural painted on a busy road. All offenders are immediately charged with hate crimes and criminal mischief for daring to scuff a mural. Three teens in Spokane, Washington, face ten years in jail for defacing a twice-repainted rainbow mural.

Meanwhile, in Washington, DC, pro-Hamas protesters have been allowed to deface statues and other public monuments and symbols important to the American people, as well as assault a park ranger and clash with police, and no one has been arrested.

This is just the most recent example of the two-tiered justice that leftists wield against conservatives. We could go on about the January 6 defendants compared to the BLM or Trump inauguration rioters, the handling of pro-life demonstrators versus pro-abortion vandals, or any number of other examples of double standards for the two political sides in this country.

Leftists only punish actions by people who oppose their ideas. All the while, their inaction toward acolytes, particularly the pro-Hamas crowd, is encouraging them to become even more vicious. They are going after Jewish homes and pushing “Zionists” out of the subways.

It is the Left that is ushering in a new Nazi regime. And as long as Democrats control the levers of power, two-tiered justice will remain, Leftmedia editorials to the contrary notwithstanding.