Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Deal
Words fail to describe the discrepancy between the Biden DOJ’s treatment of the first son and its treatment of Donald Trump.
Five years.
Five years of federal investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax evasion on more than $1.5 million in income, along with a felony gun-purchase violation, and all we get is a lousy plea deal on two misdemeanor tax charges. Adding insult to injury, the gun charge — a charge Democrats take deeply seriously except when it involves a member of their privileged and protected elite — gets diverted, essentially thrown out.
That gun charge alone — illegal possession of a firearm due to having lied on a federal gun form — would likely have netted schlubs like us a 10-year sentence. And this sweetheart diversion is especially rich, given his dad’s hostility toward the Second Amendment and America’s gun dealers. Yep, Joe Biden is all about background checks and zero-tolerance policies and harsh penalties when it comes to gun sales, but when his son’s illegally purchased firearm ends up in a trash can across the street from a Delaware high school, welp, Hunter’s just a victim in all this. Thus, the first son is part of the “gun problem” his dad refuses to address.
So, for failing to pay a couple hundred thousand in federal taxes, Hunter gets to cop to two misdemeanors. And for illegally purchasing a handgun, he gets nothing, nada, zip, zilch, bupkis — and an outright dismissal of the charge if he completes two years of, ahem. “probation” — which means he’ll need to go easy on the Russian hookers and the blow for the next few weeks, until things with the feds settle back down.
“I’m very proud of my son,” said the Big Guy at a presser in California with Gavin Newsom when news of his sweetheart deal broke. Really. That’s what he said.
As The Wall Street Journal reports, “Most federal tax prosecutions involve felony charges, such as tax fraud and evasion, not the misdemeanor offenses to which Hunter Biden intends to plead guilty.”
Great terms if you can get ‘em.
Oh, and Hunter’s laptop, that treasure trove of smoking guns and conspiratorial communications that the FBI has had in its possession since 2019? It appears that federal prosecutors never even booted it up to look for additional evidence of wrongdoing in this case — all the better to keep from incriminating the Big Guy in any of this. On MSNBC, Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Chris Clark, said he couldn’t recall the prosecution ever once having asked him about the laptop — even though it contained evidence of money laundering, bribery, sex trafficking, wire fraud, illegal kickbacks, racketeering, and foreign lobbying.
Nothing illegal to see here, folks. Move along.
It reminds us of when the feds turned a blind eye to Hillary Clinton’s BleachBit destruction of all those incriminating emails that were under congressional subpoena.
Contrast that with the extraordinary lengths Joe Biden’s Department of “Justice” is going to in order to prosecute Donald Trump.
This syrupy-sweet deal for Hunter is especially galling when we consider that his dad wants not only to raise your taxes but also give the IRS a raise, throwing $80 billion more at the agency to make sure its many thousands of new agents are well-armed and well-compensated and better able to help you pay your taxes.
Those are your tax dollars at work. As constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley remarked: “You have the son of the president, who’s at the center of one of the greatest influence-peddling scandals in history — and that’s saying a lot in Washington, DC — and he’s gonna walk away with a couple of misdemeanors and a gun charge that they can likely expunge. That’s not gonna sit well.”
You’re telling us, professor.
Violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, violations of the kind Hunter was guilty of, sent Donald Trump’s associates to prison. Indeed, ask former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort about his punishment for FARA violations. Two-tiered justice? Nah.
“All of us,” said former federal prosecutor Brett Tolman, “any Joe American Citizen out there would be facing outrageous sentences, and I’m talking decades in federal prison.”
Tolman also noted the degree to which “Justice” bent over backward to help the president’s scumbag son: “DOJ is violating its own internal policies on this case. The Ashcroft Memo requires they charge the 'highest provable offense’ and seek consistent sentences with other cases brought by DOJ. This prosecution is an absolute laughable joke. Thousands have been sent to prison for long terms for the same charges.”
Tolman, who’s emerged as one of the Biden Crime Family’s sharpest and most astute legal critics, noted that whenever large amounts of money are moved around as they were in the Hunter Biden case, charges of conspiracy, money laundering, and wire fraud automatically come into play. Except in this case. Except when the name of the alleged conspirator, money-launderer, and fraudster is Hunter Biden.
Chris Clark told MSNBC that he thinks this is the end of the matter for his privileged client. But Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson doesn’t think so. Instead, as he told Fox News, he thinks the feds will likely say that the investigation is ongoing — even though it isn’t. Why? To avoid congressional oversight. When House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and his Republican colleagues ask for the incriminating documents that federal prosecutors used in this joke of a case, they’ll be told, politely, to pound sand, as they’re part of an ongoing investigation.
Trump was right when he surmised that Hunter “would probably be charged with some minor offense like jaywalking, so the FBI and the DOJ can be seen as fair, and they can go after me with the Espionage Act.”
In the days ahead, Democrats will lean hard into the claim that this was “a Trump-appointed prosecutor.” And it was. But it was a “Republican” prosecutor, David Weiss, recommended to Trump by Delaware’s two Democrat senators, so it’s safe to assume that he’s the most malleably moderate Republican they could find.
In any case, as The Washington Free Beacon reports, a prosecutor on the team that struck this sweetheart deal just so happened to work for a longtime Biden family friend who did business with Hunter. Imagine this DOJ appointing a special prosecutor for Trump who’d had a history of doing business with his family. Yeah, right.
Normally, a sweetheart deal such as this requires its beneficiary to have cooperated with the state. What are the odds that prosecutors put the screws to Hunter to, say, implicate his old man or some of his business partners?
The very idea is laughable. As the Wall Street Journal’s James Freeman writes:
If Hunter Biden is admitting that he’s a tax cheat who also broke firearms law by lying about his drug problems, it will merely underscore how implausible it is that he would be selected on the merits for a corporate board seat and other lucrative business arrangements. It’s way too late to pretend that the Biden family possesses unique expertise in Ukrainian natural gas, Chinese finance, Romanian real estate, etc. So what exactly did the Bidens do in return for all the millions of dollars that flowed their way?
It’s a great question. But, unfortunately, we’re no closer to answering it now in the wake of this outrageous miscarriage of justice against the American people and in favor of the Biden Crime Family.
Five years. For two misdemeanor tax charges.