The Patriot Post® · Tuesday: Below the Fold

By Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler ·


  • AOC threatens to impeach Supreme Court justices: Just when we thought the Left’s unhingedness in response to yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity had peaked, here comes Sandy Cortez to crank the volume up to 11. “The Supreme Court has become consumed by a corruption crisis beyond its control,” posted the erstwhile Manhattan barkeep otherwise known as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “Today’s ruling represents an assault on American democracy. It is up to Congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture. I intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return.” The outburst served at least three purposes, none of which advanced the cause of Supreme Court impeachment beyond the cushions of the hard-left fainting couches: First, it told her constituents and her idolaters that she was doing something, even when she wasn’t; second, it helped to further delegitimize the Supreme Court in the eyes of the American people, which has been the Democrats’ mission in recent years; and third, it helped to build the AOC brand, which is and always has been her foremost endeavor.

  • Justice Thomas wants to know if Jack Smith is constitutionally appointed (Washington Examiner)

  • Suing for the Biden-Hur audio tape: Where’s the Republican version of James Comey when we need him? Comey, you’ll recall, is the simpering galoot and disgraced former FBI director who unlawfully leaked confidential White House memos to a buddy of his, the contents of which then found their way into the media. Just like Donald Trump’s tax returns. And the recording of his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. But now, in the wake of repeated stonewalling by corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland, House Republicans have filed a lawsuit against Garland to obtain the audio recordings of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s two-day interview with “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” As the lawsuit states: “President Biden’s self-serving attempt to shield the audio recording of his interview with the Special Counsel while publicly releasing a transcript of that same interview represents an astonishing effort to expand the scope of executive privilege from a constitutional privilege safeguarding certain substantive communications to an amorphous privilege that can be molded to protect things like voice inflection, tone, and pace of speech.” We’ll see what comes of it, but it’s hard to imagine anything more damaging than Joe Biden’s own five-alarm performance on the debate stage last Thursday night.

  • Gretchen Whitmer denies report that she privately said Biden couldn’t win Michigan after his disastrous debate performance (Daily Wire)

  • Biden looked like he’d been spray-tanned last night after the NYT called him pale (Not the Bee)

  • Humor: Democrat leaders convince Biden he already stepped down yesterday (Babylon Bee)

  • Kamala gets a community note: What’s good for the Republican goose is good for the Democrat gander, right? Right. At least Elon Musk thinks so. The free speech champion took to his own X platform yesterday to lambaste Vice President Kamala Harris for “lying” about Donald Trump’s position on abortion. A day earlier, Harris had posted falsely to her X account that Trump “would ban abortion nationwide” and that she and the Big Guy would do “everything” in their “power to stop him and restore women’s reproductive freedom.” Trump, of course, has said just the opposite. Indeed, he mapped out his nuanced approach to abortion during last Thursday’s debate — an approach that favored states’ rights and disfavored the heavy hand of the federal government. X thus responded to Harris’s statement with a community note, and Musk added a comment of his own: “When will politicians, or at least the intern who runs their account, learn that lying on this platform doesn’t work anymore?” Kamala’s intern could not be reached for comment.

  • Biden pauses student loan repayments: Joe Biden is bound and determined to transfer student loans from willing borrowers to American taxpayers who had absolutely no say in taking on these loans. Never mind the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court slapped Biden down for his student loan cancellation gambit the first time. Thus far, Biden has transferred some $145 billion in loans from borrowers to taxpayers, and his latest move is pausing monthly loan repayments for three million more borrowers. And it’s all effectively a political ploy for votes. Biden is buying votes, hoping that this scheme will get more recent college graduates and younger voters to support him. Meanwhile, the national debt is exploding thanks largely to Biden’s massive spending agenda.

  • Trump ally Steve Bannon says he’s “proud to go to prison” as he surrenders for contempt of Congress conviction (NY Post)


  • Judge blocks OK law banning illegals: Due to Joe Biden’s border malfeasance, a number of Republican-run states have responded to the massive illegal immigration crisis that has threatened Americans’ lives and livelihoods. Oklahoma passed HB 4156, which effectively bans illegal aliens from living in the state. Republican Governor Kevin Stitt signed the bill into law, which was scheduled to take effect on July 1. The Biden administration sued the Sooner State over its law, arguing that it violates the Constitution by taking on immigration, which is only within the federal government’s purview. Last Friday, U.S. District Judge Bernard Jones agreed with the Biden administration and placed an injunction against the law, stating, “H.B. 4156 criminalizes conduct already proscribed under federal law.” Jones added that if the law were allowed to stand, “each state could give itself ‘independent authority’ to achieve its own immigration policy, undoubtedly ‘diminishing the federal government’s control over enforcement’ and ‘detracting from the integrated scheme of regulation created by Congress.’” Sanctuary states, anyone? Of course, the issue is that the Biden administration is not enforcing the nation’s immigration laws, so what avenue do the states have to see immigration laws enforced?


  • Car crashes and pot: In our nation’s headlong rush to legalize marijuana, we’ve perhaps given short shrift to a somewhat important consideration: public safety. Indeed, we’ve banned cigar and cigarette smoking almost everywhere due to health concerns, and law enforcement vigorously enforces state and local laws against driving while under the influence of alcohol. But what about driving while under the influence of dope? As The Federalist’s Jeffrey Anderson writes: “A recent study published in the American Journal of Public Health … found that the percentage of car crash deaths in America that involved marijuana has skyrocketed since 2000. The percentage of car crash deaths involving cannabis alone rose from 4.2 percent in 2000 to 11.2 percent in 2018. Over that same span, the percentage of car crash deaths involving cannabis and alcohol together rose from 4.8 to 10.3 percent. So the total percentage of car crash deaths involving cannabis, either with or without alcohol, rose from 9.0 percent in 2000 to 21.5 percent in 2018 — to more than a fifth of all car crash deaths in America.” What we have here is a double standard, and it’s time folks, er, toke notice.

  • Teachers union tasks anti-Israel activist to create curriculum about Israel (Daily Wire)

  • Klaus Schwab facing sexual harassment allegations as females staffers report disturbing behavior (Daily Fetched)


  • Glacier National Park still has glaciers: In yet another failed climate change prediction, Glacier National Park still contains glaciers. A little over a decade ago, park officials erected signs throughout the park warning that “due to human-caused climate change,” there would be no more glaciers in Glacier National Park by the year 2020. By 2017, park officials realized that the glaciers weren’t shrinking at the predicted rate and therefore would still be there by 2020. However, it took until 2020 for the park to remove its erroneous signs. The park blamed the delay in sign removal and replacement on budget restrictions. Undeterred, newer signs still push the “human-caused climate change” narrative, though instead of including a predicted date for their disappearance, they read, “When they will completely disappear depends on how and when we act. One thing is consistent: The glaciers in the park are shrinking.” While the climate is and always has been changing, to claim that we know fully why it changes and, even more ridiculously, that we can control it is not to engage in science but in fantasy. If GNP officials were honest, the signs would simply read that the park’s glaciers have been shrinking since first being observed.


  • TN prayer month: While some states just finished celebrating a month of sexual deviancy dubbed “Pride,” Tennessee has gone in the opposite direction. On Monday, Governor Bill Lee signed House Joint Resolution 0803 calling on state residents to spend the month of July in prayer and fasting “to seek God’s hand of mercy healing on Tennessee.” The resolution calls on Tennesseans to pray and fast in July, stating “that we recognize that God, as Creator and King of all Glory, has both the authority to judge and to bless nations or states” and “that we, as public servants in the Tennessee General Assembly, seek God’s Mercy upon our land and beseech Him to not withdraw His Hand of blessing from us.” Since God is the ultimate judge to whom all humanity must eventually answer, it’s good to see some of our leaders recognizing this in the face of corrosive and corrupting cultural ideologies that have rapidly spread across our great nation. Turning back to God is always the right decision. May this spirit of repentance spread across the country.


  • Good news: Court blocks Biden admin’s ban on new LNG exports (Fox Business)

  • Powell says Fed has made “quite a bit of progress” on inflation but needs more confidence before cutting (CNBC)

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