The Patriot Post® · Open Borders Are Anti-Women

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

By now, it has become obvious that leaving our southern border wide open is a terrible idea. When former President Donald Trump said other countries “weren’t sending their best,” he wasn’t joking.

Our southern border has been stormed by military-age men from all around the world, and the U.S. has undoubtedly seen a rise in crime, drugs, and human trafficking ever since. It’s not unusual for men running from crimes in their home country to cross our borders and make the U.S. their new home. Unfortunately for us, these men are not interested in changing their lives and instead continue their life of crime here.

Heinous crimes committed by illegal immigrants are not new. However, the correlation between the rise in violent crimes committed by this group and our open borders makes the crimes even more despicable because each one could have been prevented.

Most are familiar with the murder of nursing student Laken Riley committed by a Venezuelan illegal immigrant in Georgia. This tragic story made national headlines and inspired the Republican-led House of Representatives to introduce and pass the Laken Riley Act. The legislation would require the Department of Homeland Security to detain non-U.S. citizens who have committed burglary, theft, shoplifting, or larceny. It also would allow states to sue the federal government for perceived inaction to protect our nation’s borders.

The life of Rachel Morin, a mother of five in Maryland, was taken by a Salvadorian illegal immigrant. He “arrived in the states only a month after he allegedly murdered a young woman in El Salvador,” FOX 5 DC reports. “His DNA was also linked to a March home invasion in Los Angeles where a mother and her 9-year-old daughter were assaulted, according to authorities.”

In Queens, New York, an Ecuadorian illegal immigrant was charged with raping a 13-year-old girl and recording it. The man admits to videotaping the heinous act and says, “I was nervous at first, then got comfortable and recorded it.”

Another tragic murder that has made national headlines is that of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Texas. It is reported that she was lured, sexually assaulted, and murdered by two Venezuelan illegal immigrants who then dumped her body in a bayou. It is also reported that the Harris County district attorney has not yet ruled out the death penalty for Jocelyn’s murderers.

With tragedy after tragedy, it’s apparent that the border crisis we are facing — or more specifically, the federal government’s inaction to secure our borders — is anti-women.

As Biden administration officials parade themselves around the country speaking of women’s rights, they always fail to mention a woman’s right to life. Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, Joceyln Nungaray, and others all had the right to life and the pursuit of happiness. Yet our current administration robbed them of such. Instead, Biden lackeys condemn anyone who uses the term “illegal alien” and pour millions of tax dollars into helping everyone besides our own citizens.

Congressman Mark Green (R-TN) made the following statement:

My heart aches for these women and their families and loved ones. These tragedies could have been avoided if the Biden administration would simply enforce the laws they swore to uphold. It’s truly that simple. Americans no longer feel safe in their own communities and neighborhoods. It does not have to be this way. Our committee will continue to do everything possible to ensure justice for these victims, and accountability for the public officials ultimately responsible for these tragedies.

Our discussion about the violent murders and crimes committed by illegal aliens should transcend politics and ideologies.

Feminists should be protesting in the streets for their right to feel safe in their own communities. Celebrities should be singing songs about keeping women safe from criminals. Vice President Kamala Harris should be making phone calls to sheriff’s offices nationwide, telling them she supports their efforts to keep the women in their communities safe. President Joe Biden should apologize to the victims’ families and address the nation with an apology for his inaction to keep our borders closed.

Unfortunately, we won’t be hearing any productive discussion from the Democrat Party on this issue, but we can make our voices heard at the ballot box.

As voters become rightfully frustrated with their elected officials, border security has become a top campaign item that many candidates are focusing on. Even longtime incumbents are facing primaries because they have done little to nothing to protect their constituents from the open borders.

The time to close our borders is now. We cannot lose any more of our nation’s women to violent crimes that can be prevented.