The Patriot Post® · Battle on the Homefront for Military Personnel

By Emmy Griffin ·

It’s no secret that the U.S. military has been slowly pushing left-wing agenda items. This has been happening for years but really hit its stride under President Joe Biden.

Our woke military leaders aren’t only pushing the leftist agenda on our troops. The Daily Caller reports that schools within the Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA), which serve the children of military personnel posted abroad, are actively indoctrinating children in far-left ideologies. The DODEA is notoriously secretive and intentionally makes Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests difficult because of all the redactions and lengthy process.

An organization called OpenTheBooks has published an oversight report exposing some of the radical left-wing rot happening in these schools. The DODEA is using a toxic mixture of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) ideology and “transformative” social and emotional learning techniques to make students worried and incapable of functioning in society.

In March 2023, the DODEA said it disbanded its DEI department because there was significant pushback from the public. However, as with many other public schools across the nation, the DEI agenda is still being taught; it’s just rebranded. Staff get around this by using curriculum that is publicly accessible. Many use the racist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a teaching resource. You can’t get more radical than the SPLC.

For example, the SPLC gives a lesson plan that urges 3rd-5th graders to create an artistic mural or hang posters that spark community discussions about social justice.

Then there is the fact that the DODEA is actively pushing an anti-American agenda. According to OpenTheBooks, both students and teachers regularly engage in DEI struggle sessions. Some of the topics include Thanksgiving/America’s existence being bad because of colonization, the patriarchy, and the evils of capitalism.

How do we reverse this terrible state of affairs in the DODEA? Parents could pull their kids out and homeschool or send them to private school, but that isn’t without financial costs. Unlike the State Department, these Pentagon personnel do not have a government-provided voucher that allows parents to opt out of the terrible DODEA schooling experience.

This is slowly changing, however. Representative Jim Banks (R-IN) has proposed an amendment to a defense spending bill that would hold these schools accountable for their poor academic performance and provide school choice vouchers for service members.

“These military service members are deployed abroad to defend and embody American ideals on the world stage,” OpenTheBooks CEO Adam Andrzejewski told The Daily Caller. “Yet their children are being indoctrinated to a philosophy that places complex racial and gender identities over national pride. In fact, pushing students toward activism and teaching them that their relative privilege dictates their life experience can actually alienate them from the American dream.”

These military mothers and fathers are now faced with having to battle on two fronts. Their first battle line is defending American interests wherever they are stationed. Their second is having to fix what the DODEA breaks as far as indoctrinating their children into hating America and all that they fight for.

The DODEA is a disgrace. Our military personnel and their families deserve better.