The Patriot Post® · Monday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Good Riddance

“While it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down.” —Joe Biden

For the Record

“Notice that Pres. Biden never said why he won’t run. Was it his health? His decline? The polls? If it was the first two, he should resign the presidency. If it’s the third, there is nothing courageous about this. It’s craven politics as usual.” —former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer

“Four weeks ago, pointing out Biden’s condition was ‘misinformation.’” —David Harsanyi

Political Futures

“Vice President Kamala Harris will now be in the awkward position of leading the ticket to ‘defend democracy’ after being made the nominee through succession by defenestration.” —constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley

“Democrats spent eight years telling us Trump’s alleged sex with a porn star was major news. So how is Kamala Harris starting her career in politics as the side chick of the married mayor of San Francisco not a hugely important story?” —Clay Travis

“Remember that this is a guy [Trump] who delivered for social conservatives more than any president in my 39 years of life. I think he deserves a little bit of grace, and he deserves a little bit of trust.” —VP nominee J.D. Vance

“Trump would be wise to give J.D. an outsize role on the campaign trail, and an even more outsize role in the presidential administration that is to come. In J.D. he will find someone who is not merely a talented communicator with an inspiring personal biography. He will also find someone who is highly thoughtful and has his finger squarely on the pulse of America’s economic and cultural ailments — and, perhaps most importantly, a keen sense of what public policy can actually do to tangibly improve Americans’ everyday lives.” —Josh Hammer

“After nearly a decade of utter madness, can we finally order the FBI, DOJ, and CIA to butt out of our elections? Can a bankrupt media cease whipping up hysteria about a supposed Nazi-like takeover? Can the left stop relying on washed-up British spies, corrupt ex-spooks, and teams of clownish partisan prosecutors? Instead, why not, at last, just let the people choose their own president?” —Victor Davis Hanson

“Tone Down the Rhetoric”

“Donald Trump is … a racist and a neo-Nazi.” —Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

“It’s too bad the bandage was just over [Trump’s] ear. It should have been over his mouth.” —"The View" co-host Anna Navarro

Non Compos Mentis

“Ronny Jackson isn’t a doctor. Which is perfect, because Trump wasn’t hit by a bullet.” —former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann

“I’m a Christian girl. When something like this happens to you, like this assassination attempt, and you say something like ‘God was watching me,’ that is a very un-Christian thing to say because it’s very narcissistic.” —"The View" co-host Joy Behar

Re: The Left

“Compared to ‘women can have penises’ and ‘children are born racist,’ the idea that Trump staged his own almost-assassination isn’t the craziest thing they believe.” —Ian Haworth


“I’m reading all these stories about the failures of the Secret Service, and I’m just shocked by the idea that the federal government might be incompetent.” —Charles C. W. Cooke

Belly Laugh of the Day

“America has never been better positioned to lead than we are today. … We’ve protected and preserved our Democracy. And we’ve revitalized and strengthened our alliances around the world.” —Joe Biden

The BIG Lie

“[J.D. Vance] doesn’t exactly uphold Marine values. In fact, not even close to it.” —Congressman Seth Moulton (D-MA)


“Kamala Harris said … that I have no loyalty to this country. … I did serve in the United States Marine Corps and build a business. What the hell have you done other than collect a check?” —J.D. Vance

“They keep saying, ‘He’s a threat to democracy.’ … I took a bullet for democracy.” —Donald Trump

“There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for others. This is the spirit that forged America in her darkest hours, and this is the love that will lead America back to the summit of human achievement and greatness.” —Donald Trump

“Unity is only meaningful if it’s suffused with Liberty. And Liberty is only possible within the bounds of a society that has rules, a common culture, and a common set of values.” —Emmy Griffin

And Last…

“Kamala is inspiring young women everywhere that they too can sleep with a politician, jail black people for smoking weed, get destroyed in the primary, and still get nominated for president.” —Kyle Mann

“Joe Biden dropping out on National Ice Cream Day is poetic.” —Tim Young

“[The Republican Party] left Milwaukee in a state of excitement. While, in a basement in Delaware, the Democratic Party is in a state of crisis.” —Matthew Continetti