The Patriot Post® · 'Trust, but Verify'

By Roger Helle ·

When Ronald Reagan was president, he negotiated with Russia to slow down the nuclear arms race. But Reagan had a philosophy when dealing with communists: “Trust, but verify.”

We need that same philosophy regarding where we get our news.

It’s obvious, based on what much of America has seen over the past several weeks, that we cannot trust the mainstream media to tell the truth.

What most Americans have witnessed since the presidential debate is a president who, beyond any shadow of a doubt, is in serious cognitive decline. But those who receive their news from unbiased, conservative news sites like The Patriot Post knew about Biden’s poor health since the 2020 basement campaign. He was not the same person cognitively as he was during his earlier political years.

Yes, he’s a pathological liar and a bona fide narcissist, but getting older and falling further into cognitive decline showed an angrier and more confused man. The media knew this from the get-go, but Biden was the man the Left was betting on to beat Donald Trump.

They were all in lockstep to protect Biden, no matter what, as he deteriorated right before our eyes. Any challenge to reality was met with a flurry of so-called “fact-checkers” who only targeted the Right, never the Left. On debate night, the media made it clear there was an army of fact-checkers to monitor Trump in real time. Who fact-checked Biden? Only conservative media.

Before this, Biden’s gaffes, stumbles, and lies were deflected. In recent months, when videos revealing Biden’s decline were played, they were labeled Republican-promoted “deepfakes.” Then came the debate, and now 51 million Americans cannot unsee what they saw. The first domino has fallen, and there will be no stopping it. How do Democrats move forward now that Joe is calling it quits? They’re likely stuck with Kamala Harris, who’s even less popular than Biden. DEI is coming back to bite them, and the Democrats are in full panic mode.

Two thoughts here. First, how do we ever trust the mainstream media to tell us the truth again? Since Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, there’s not enough space to list all of their lies: “Russian collusion,” Trump calling white supremacists “very fine people” and fallen soldiers “suckers and losers,” labeling the Hunter Biden laptop “disinformation” — on and on the list goes. They’re only now starting to be truthful because they’ve been caught.

Second, the Democrats are only worried about winning an election, not about what’s good for the country. They aren’t interested in saving America, only keeping themselves in power. To Marxists, it’s always about power. They couldn’t care less that China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are joining together to bring down our nation. Democrats seem to be okay with that. What kind of people think that way? Answer: Those who want the power to tell you how to live your life.

If America ever wants to be free again, we all need to take seriously the threat that is the Left. Since Barack Obama and now Biden, America is less free, less safe, and less prosperous. To vote for Kamala Harris (or whoever is the eventual Democrat nominee) because you don’t like Trump is to give your freedom away for a piece of bread.

Something to pray about!
Semper Fidelis