The Patriot Post® · The Great 'Border Czar' Whitewash

By Emmy Griffin ·

The amount of gaslighting that the Leftmedia is doing to elevate Vice President Kamala Harris in her new status as the likely presidential nominee of the Democrat Party is insane. The legacy media’s latest attempt at memory-holing is to assert that conservatives were the ones inaccurately labeling Harris the “border czar.”

It was the Leftmedia itself that first hailed her as such.

Before that, though, in March of 2021, President Joe Biden said, “I’ve asked her, the VP, today — because she’s the most qualified person to do it — to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that … are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border.”

Kamala Harris was tapped to be in charge of overseeing the border and “stemming the migration to our southern border.” It was a job she completely failed at (though it’s obvious that the influx of illegals was the goal of this administration). Much to the chagrin of the Democrats and their media allies, immigration is the top issue for the majority of Americans this election.

Most Americans hate the open southern border. They despise the humanitarian crisis it has created. They abhor the sharp rise in crime that far too many illegals — often with gang associations — have inflicted on American citizens. Because Harris was asked “to lead our efforts” vis-à-vis illegal immigration, she should be paying for her abdication at the ballot box.

The panicking Leftmedia is now attempting to retcon this entire fiasco. This week, Axios reporter Stef W. Kight explained that Harris was never the “border czar” and that Republicans were pouncing. She stated, “In the past few days, the Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the ‘border czar’ title — which she never actually had.” Hilariously, Kight’s own previous reporting in 2021 directly contradicts her framing.

In a further attempt to circle the wagons, Axios added an editor’s note to Kight’s article defending Harris from her failures, uproariously stating, “This article has been updated and clarified to note that Axios was among the news outlets that incorrectly labeled Harris a ‘border czar’ in 2021.”

CNN is claiming that Harris’s job was never to be in charge of the border; her job was to combat “the roots of immigration.” This spin was echoed by other outlets like USA Today and TIME Magazine.

In 2021, interviewers like NBC News’s Lester Holt questioned the vice president on her work dealing with stemming the flow of migrants. Holt asked Harris when she was going to the border. Harris responded with a vague, "We’ve been to the border.” Holt fired back, “You haven’t been to the border.” Harris infamously replied, “And I haven’t been to Europe.”

No one but the extremely gullible or politically ignorant is fooled by this whitewashing attempt by the Leftmedia. In fact, the House of Representatives yesterday put forth a resolution to condemn the Biden administration and VP Harris for her failure as the “border czar.” The resolution passed with the help of six Democrats crossing party lines.

The media will continue to try to make Harris more appealing, but her policies are radical and anti-American at their core. Harris was also complicit in the cover-up of Biden’s failing mental acuity. That should be reason enough to scare off undecided voters.

If Harris is declared the official nominee at next month’s Democratic National Convention, it’s likely that the more America sees of her, the less they will like her.