The Patriot Post® · Gender-Confused Loudoun County Rapist Walks Away

By Emmy Griffin ·

In 2021, The Daily Wire broke the story of a skirt-wearing “gender fluid” high school boy who raped a freshman girl in a so-called gender-inclusive bathroom. The leftist superintendent covered it up, the victim’s father was slandered for trying to protect his daughter, and the young sexual predator was moved to another school … where he assaulted another girl.

This case sparked a firestorm of outrage and gave birth to a parental rights movement. It is also the poster case for why having males in female spaces is a recipe for disaster and abuse.

In 2022, a grand jury dug deeper into the incident to uncover the extent of the cover-up by Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) and the Loudoun County School Board (LCSB). As a result of the grand jury’s findings, LCPS Chief of Staff Mark Smith was fired, LCSB member/activist Beth Barts resigned (she was a big advocate for gender-neutral bathrooms and was using her position to allegedly bully parents on social media), and LCSB President Scott Ziegler was also fired for his lies and mishandling of the rapes.

The boy, however — now a newly minted 18-year-old — is a different story.

What happened with his case? Was justice served? Well, according to The Daily Wire’s Luke Rosiak, who broke the story, the answer is: Not really. Rosiak writes:

Because Buta Biberaj — Loudoun County’s since-defeated George Soros-backed prosecutor — charged him as a juvenile, he will have no public conviction on his record. He will not appear on a sex offender registry, despite Judge Pamela Brooks saying at his January 2022 sentencing that “Over the years this court has read many psychosexual reports, and when I read yours, frankly, it scared me. It scared me for you, it scared me for society.”

This rapist is walking away with no record of his horrific crimes. Quite a birthday present — just not justice for his victims.

This is precisely the world that gender activists hope to create. One where those who are sexually perverted are not punished for their crimes against the vulnerable. It’s a slippery slope whose ugly end we can already see.

On the flip side, because he is now no longer a minor, his name is public. Hunter Heckel’s dangerous and predatory behavior marked his victims. Those girls’ pain and suffering deserve more than a slap on his wrist.