The Patriot Post® · Stolen Valor Matters

By Douglas Andrews ·

First things first: Kamala Harris wasn’t going to win the military vote even if she’d put a real warrior on the ticket.

That she instead opted for a lying dirtbag, valor-thieving fraud like Tampon Timmy Walz merely reinforces what our warrior class already knows: The woke Democrat Party loathes them, and they only invoke our military out of pure political expedience.

To those of us who’ve served, stolen valor is a serious thing, a thing worth fighting about. Typically, it comes in the form of some two-beers blowhard in the bar who says, “You were in the Marines? I was too. I was Force Recon.” (Anyone else out there wish you had a dollar for every clown who told you he “almost” “joined” “the SEALs”?)

But it’s different when we’re talking about our elected representatives. After all, these are the people whom our Constitution entrusts to vote us into war. Which is why Walz should’ve known better than to spin yarns among the American people that he wouldn’t have dared to utter in any E-Club on any base in any remote corner of our nation.

We might laugh at Eddie Murphy’s “Agent Orange” character in “Trading Places.” We might bust a gut when he says he was “special unit battalion’s commando airborne tactics specialist tactics unit battalion,” and that it was “real hush-hush.” But Tim Walz’s lies are no laughing matter, and they’re no longer hush-hush. And he won’t be able to run away from them forever.

Yesterday, we focused mainly on how Walz ditched his National Guard unit right before it deployed. But a Marine Corps brother, JD Vance, has rightly latched onto the matter of stolen valor. Here’s what he said in the Detroit suburb of Macomb County, the home of the Reagan Democrats:

[Walz] said — and he was making a point about gun control — that we shouldn’t allow weapons that [he] used in war to be on America’s streets. Well, I wonder, Tim Walz, when were you ever in war? What was this weapon that you carried into war, given that you abandoned your unit right before they went to Iraq, and he has not spent a day in a combat zone? What bothers me about Tim Walz is the stolen valor garbage. … I’d be ashamed if I were him and I lied about my military service like he did.

[Checks notes: Any day now, mainstream media. Any day.]

To be fair, and as our Mark Alexander pointed out yesterday, Walz did serve with the Nebraska and Minnesota Army National Guard. But at some point, he must’ve realized the Minnesota Guard isn’t exactly the 82nd Airborne. Which was a mistake made out of obvious insecurity, because all military service, whether in the Guard or the Reserves or on active duty, and whether in admin or logistics or infantry, is honorable.

So in 2018, when gubernatorial candidate Walz said during a gun-grabbing rant, “We can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is [sic] the only place where those weapons are at,” he was lying. And in that same rant, he said, “I spent 25 years in the Army, and I hunt.” But, again, a little honesty is in order: Serving one weekend a month and two weeks in the summer for 24 years in the National Guard isn’t the same thing as serving on active duty for 25 years. They’re not even remotely close. So when Walz says he served “25 years in the Army,” he’s lying once more.

And those weren’t his only lies. As The Washington Free Beacon reports: “As a first-time congressional candidate in 2006, Walz’s campaign announcement described him as ‘a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom,’ an archived version of the press release shows. Two years earlier … Walz organized a protest against then-President George W. Bush [and carried] a sign reading ‘Enduring Freedom Veterans for Kerry.’”

Walz never served in Afghanistan, so he wasn’t part of Operation Enduring Freedom. Yet another lie.

But how appropriate. Tim Walz and John Kerry. Two peas in a stolen-valor pod: Walz with his Walter Mitty-ism, and Kerry with his improbable haul of Purple Hearts and his duplicitous claims of having spent “Christmas in Cambodia.”

As the Free Beacon adds: “Two Minnesota National Guardsmen said in 2022 that Walz falsely claimed he reached the rank of command sergeant major. But Walz did not fulfill the duties required to maintain that rank before he quit the service in 2005.”

Stolen valor is deadly serious stuff. Admiral Mike Boorda, an enlisted man who rose through the ranks to become the U.S. Navy’s Chief of Operations, committed suicide over a matter of stolen valor.

For Walz, these are, at the very least, disqualifying lies. After all, he aspires to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. Of course, as we noted yesterday, Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal has gotten away with it, so perhaps the thinking goes, Why not me?

In any case, what on earth were they thinking when they vetted this guy? And what does Kamala Harris’s selection of this lying bum say about her judgment?

Updated with additional documentation of Walz’s lies about his military service.