The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Musk Shuts Down Anti-Free-Speech GARM

“Advertiser-funded media is badly broken. The system affords enormous censorship power to advertisers. In practice, that power has been usurped by activist groups that manage to bully advertisers into bending to their agenda. As an alternative, media companies have responded with a push for subscribers, with limited reader acceptance. The solution seems obvious — separate the advertisers from the content. Readers earn credits from advertisers for viewing ads, or they can buy credits directly with cash. Readers can spend their credits article by article or however they choose. The credits are fungible, so the connection between advertiser and content is broken and untraceable.” —Missouri

Re: Future Ex-Prez Confirms Palace Coup

“Democrat leadership finally acknowledged Joe Biden’s liability to their party and orchestrated his ‘noble’ resignation. In reality, they did him, their party, and our nation good. However, who will now step up and remove the president from office under the 25th Amendment? Six months is an interminable period for the United States to have an obviously incompetent, ineffectual leader in charge, particularly as we and our allies face ever-increasing threats from perennial aggressor nations, which could quickly result in expanded violence on many fronts. Our leaders must take timely action to rectify this critical and perilous situation for our nation and all of the free world.” —Florida

Re: Lord, Help Us Stop the Insanity!

“Joe Biden’s impulsive withdrawal from Afghanistan — including the abandonment of the strategic Bagram Air Base and billions of dollars’ worth of U.S. weapons and equipment — is the most egregious of his 50 years of foreign policy errors. This doesn’t take into account the 13 U.S. service members and countless Afghan nationals who lost their lives as a result of poor evacuation planning and preparation. As the possible next commander- in-chief, VP Kamala Harris’s accountability in, and understanding of, this consequential blunder must be determined and brought before the voters prior to the upcoming election. Our nation cannot afford the recurrence of such a colossal failure in foreign policy and national security. The free world’s future is at stake.” —Florida

Re: Monday: Below the Fold

Another federally funded green company bites the dust: “On the surface, this might be viewed as a small victory for responsible government thinking, but what it really means is that millions of taxpayer dollars have been needlessly spent on another failed idea of the irresponsible Democrats. Even if the millions wasted were created by Biden printing more paper money, the loss is still hurting everybody though higher inflation, devalued investments, and increased basic living costs.” —North Carolina

Tim Walz’s woke church: “The Daily Signal describes the ELCA as ‘an offshoot of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.’ The ELCA was formed by the merger of the Lutheran Church of America (LCA), the American Lutheran Church (ALC), and Evangelical Lutherans in Mission (ELIM). ELIM, including Walz’s congregation, is the group that split from the LCMS after the professors and pastors that founded it were removed for their heretical teachings, particularly regarding the inerrancy and perspicacity of Scripture. Those who hold to orthodox Lutheran teachings say the ELCA is Lutheran in name only, for other than lip service to the watered-down version of the Augsburg Confession, their teachings often have little resemblance to the Christian theology espoused by Martin Luther.” —Minnesota

Re: UK Unrest: What’s Contributing to the Chaos?

“Why do Muslims immigrate to a country and then try to change the country to what they left? Great Britain needs to allow only immigrants who will contribute to the existing culture, not change it, and deport those who want to impose their culture and who commit any crime.” —Florida

Re: Au Revoir, Olympics — And Women’s Boxing

“It’s time to end the Olympics. Gathering the best from around the world who would otherwise never compete against each other once made sense. But today, the best routinely compete around the world. There are world championships held annually. Many sports are predictable. Any surprise who won in golf or basketball? Today, even ‘obscure’ sports, such as biathlon, which our major networks usually ignore, are on cable somewhere. Time’s up.” —New Hampshire

“There is no surprise here. The Olympics were hijacked by the leftist, progressive, politically correct mob years ago. The only surprise is why so much time and effort is spent in covering the Olympic charade. The IOC and its myriad of national alphabet soup organizations are laughing all the way to the bank. There is no such thing as bad publicity, especially for this bunch of money-grubbing opportunists. Until Americans stop watching, nothing will change. By the way, the 2028 Games are in my hometown. We will not be here.” —California

Re: Planned Parenthood’s New Cash Cow: Testosterone

“Planned Parenthood is being consistent with its roots as a means of implementing eugenics and population reduction. Abortion and sterilization via hormones or other ‘gender-affirming care’ meet these goals as well as being cash cows. Along with other pornaganda disguised as sex education, these operations serve to promote sexual immorality and enable exploitation of the same. This results in STDs to be treated (more money!) and more abortions. This is an evil business. The physical, spiritual, and mental misery they leave behind is of no consequence in their minds.” —Minnesota

Re: A School Ban We Can Agree On

“Our public school system put a ban on cellphones last year, but it was not enforced by the school administrators. Now, the premier of the province has installed a cellphone ban in all schools in Alberta. Now that it’s the law, surely the administrators will have to enforce it.” —Alberta, Canada