August 12, 2024

Lord, Help Us Stop the Insanity!

“Madness” is the state of our foreign policy under Joe Biden.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, each time expecting a different result.

That’s the everyday sort of definition of insanity. The Oxford Language Dictionary has a more serious definition: The state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.

Such is the state of our foreign policy under Joe Biden, but it started with Barack Obama and his “lead from behind” strategy. As a Marine combat veteran, there’s no such thing as leading from behind. You’re not even following! Obama’s biggest leading from behind was his attempt to craft a nuclear weapons agreement with Iran, the world’s biggest sponsor of terrorism.

What could possibly go wrong with giving the mullahs billions of dollars and ignoring their flagrant violation of inspections at their nuclear facilities? This is the same country where every Friday after prayers, thousands of Iranians flood the streets chanting “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!” President Donald Trump promptly cancelled Obama’s nuke deal effort.

When Iran began stirring up trouble in the Middle East, Trump had Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani taken out with a missile strike. Things were subsequently quiet in the Middle East, and the Abraham Accords began bringing nations together. Then Biden became president — the man former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” He’s now approaching 50 years of being VERY wrong on foreign policy.

First, he withdrew from Afghanistan in the middle of the night, not even informing our allies. Russian President Vladimir Putin saw that and began massing troops on the border of Ukraine. There was no response from Biden except some remarks about how a limited invasion might not be too bad. In February of 2022, Russia went all out and invaded Ukraine. Biden’s slow-walking of weapons and equipment has only made things more deadly and prolonged.

Now we have Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea all working together to undermine America’s influence and leadership in the eyes of the world. Our military has been politicized and emasculated. Instead of preparing our warriors to defend the country, we search for white supremacists and teach diversity, equity, and inclusion. Enlistment and retention plummeted, and they ask, “How did that happen?”

China is building its military forces and has the most combat ships of any nation. Meanwhile, it’s threatening Taiwan and every nation in the South Pacific. North Korea and Iran are helping to supply Russia with weapons as our munition stockpiles dwindle. Iran has been emboldened to use its proxies in the Middle East to invade Israel. Now Hezbollah is being pressured to open another front, and Biden is slow-walking weapons and aid to Israel.

Each time Biden or Kamala Harris express disapproval of Israel’s fight against Hamas, the terrorists are emboldened. Harris boycotted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress and then slammed him in the media. Afterward, Hezbollah dropped a missile, killing 12 children playing soccer. Weakness invites aggression!

China flew a spy balloon across our country, sends military-age men to sneak into our military bases, and hacks our networks — but nothing happens. Biden does not enforce sanctions against Russia, Iran, and Venezuela, even though they sell their oil to our enemies. Biden continues to attempt to bribe Iran into a nuclear deal as billions in illegal oil sales fund terrorism around the world.

When will this insanity stop? My next question is: Why would anyone think Kamala Harris, based on her record, will be any different?

Something to pray about!
Semper Fidelis

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