The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Trump’s Careless Medal of Honor Equivocation

“I think Alexander may be right in his personality assessment that Trump’s constant fratricidal attacks may be indicative of some self-destructive pathology. By undermining his strong domestic and foreign policies — derailing his momentum with stupid and inane comments — Trump, by extension, insults all of us who have supported him.” —Arizona

“As one of Trump’s largest campaign donors, I copied this one and sent it directly to my senior contacts with the Trump campaign.” —New York

“Regarding Trump’s comments about the MOH, he was so far out in left field that he deeply insulted his single largest group of supporters — America’s Military and Veterans, and their families, including this Veteran. He needs to get that right, and quick. He could have done so with a simple apology for his carelessness. But he is not capable of such humility.” —California

“As favorable as Alexander has been in his strong support for Trump’s domestic and foreign policies, articles like this one remind me that Alexander is not part of the Trump personality cult, and thus is able to objectively criticize Trump.” —Tennessee

“Either Trump doesn’t listen to his advisers (a given) or they are afraid to advise him for fear of ‘getting fired.’ The Apprentice is, in fact, Donald J. Trump, and he is shedding voters in swing states he must win. Lindsey Graham did a good job getting Gov. Brian Kemp to extend a hand to Trump, only to be insulted by Trump. He did exactly the same thing to Tennessee’s conservative Gov. Bill Lee.” —West Virginia

“I’ll bet Trump didn’t run that comment by Vance for approval — no Marine would let that go without a smackdown.” —North Carolina

“Sometimes Trump excels at scuttling his own boat. I know what he ‘means,’ but it is long past time for him to stop making stupid comments that undermine his agenda and aggravate his constituents.” —Oregon

Re: Commie Kamala Calls for Price Controls

“I remember in high school government learning about different forms of government. Socialism is ideal, but as soon as you add people, it goes down like a toilet being flushed. If one bothers to study history, in the United States there are a number of examples, starting with the pilgrims. The pilgrim society lasted about 15 years before problems overwhelmed the community. Another was New Harmony, Indiana, which last just over 10 years. Price controls are another form of trying to force people to accept their lot. No one works for nothing, and if you can’t make a living, you quit.” —Wisconsin

“So, price controls have led to economic disaster every time they were attempted for some 2,000 years, dating back to ancient Rome, but Harris thinks they will work now? Harris truly is a communist, and she carries the mindset, ‘Communism has only failed every time it has been tried because they just didn’t do it hard enough!’ What the idiots on the Left and many on the Right don’t realize is that the intent of the criminal global cabal is clearly fascism, and Big Business is already on board. The very reason for the COVID lockdowns was to destroy small business, which are detrimental to the fascist agenda.” —California

“I am old enough to remember the Soviet food shortages back in the 1950s and ‘60s. A Russian would stand in line for hours to get bread or other staples, only to have the store run out before the line was even halfway through. It was sad enough that I, who was a small child, still remember it. No, communist 'solutions’ don’t work. Kamala and the elites will have food; the people can hunt for crickets. And they won’t even let us have guns with which to shoot any cricket that might be found!” —Alabama

“As far back as I can remember, the main pronouncement in EVERY election has been, ‘It’s the economy, stupid,’ with a possible exception of the Vietnam War. It seems that EVERYONE is concerned about inflation and rising prices, particularly when they are increasing at an exceptional rate. Based on this observation, it should be fairly easy for The Donald to prevail in November. If, that is, he can focus and keep reminding people that the economy was better when he was in the White House.” —Florida

Re: It’s Not That Complicated

“Inflation is not the most significant economic problem we face; it’s a symptom. Excessive debt leads to crashes, recessions, and depressions. Total U.S. debt now exceeds $101 trillion, including federal debt of more than $35 trillion. The federal deficit is $2 trillion, and interest on that debt is $918 billion — more than we spend on the military. We cannot support that on a $28 trillion GDP for much longer. Attempting to increase taxes will reduce GDP and tax revenue; we are taxed well beyond the 23% Laffer revenue peak. Plainly, deficit spending is a national security and economic hazard. We must insist our candidates tell us what spending they will actually eliminate.” —Minnesota

Re: Profile of Stolen Valor: MSG Tim Walz

“The single best exposition documenting Walz’s record of stolen valor anywhere. Thanks, Alexander, for pulling this all together in an indictment of Walz that is indisputable.” —Washington

“Regarding Walz’s refusal to send in the Guard to help LEOs defend Minneapolis, he responded that his Guard was just a bunch of ‘19-year-olds who are cooks.’ Of all the details provided in this article, I find this the most offensive. As a senior NCO, it is your job to train your troops to perform as professional soldiers. If you denigrate them as rabble, whose fault is that?” —New Hampshire

Re: RFK Slams the Harris/Walz Ticket

“RFK is spot-on. It’s about time Democrats realized who is running their political party. I’m a libertarian praying for smaller government run by honest men and women, and I believe the Democrat Party today is so far left it can no longer see the center.” —Florida

Re: Trump Regains His Focus

“Trump has been and continues to be his own worst enemy. I’ll believe his newfound focus and discipline is real when he gets together with the extremely popular Governor Kemp in Georgia and stops his petty feud with him. I blame Trump for the loss of two GOP Senate seats in Georgia and handing a majority to the Democrats. If he’s really serious about beating Harris, he needs to put our country ahead of his ego!” —California

Re: Ukraine Seizes Russian Territory

“For the moment, encouraging news. It would be more encouraging if we’d stop sending weapons to Israel and start sending more to Ukraine. I am not pro-Hamas or anti-Israel, but the Israelis don’t need our arms to win its war. Meanwhile, Ukraine needs tanks, planes, even basic field kit for its soldiers. My wife’s cousin has been at or near the zero position for 2 ½ years. He’s exhausted beyond belief, with barely four weeks’ leave in all that time. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s elites party like rock stars at resorts in western Ukraine. This is a sad situation that I agree Biden caused. The only prop I could ever give him is his support of Ukraine. I wish the press — particularly the right-wing press — would actually get behind Ukraine too.” —Oklahoma

Re: Columbia Cleans Its Jew-Hating House

“When I went to college, you had to have your college ID on you at all times, and you could be asked for it at anytime you were on the campus. I truly believe that nothing about the spring protests were related to the college kids but instead outside agitators. Why, on these elite universities, are outsiders allowed to roam about without being asked if they have permission to be on the campus? I have been wondering for months about the glut of brand-new tents and other camping materials — this is money college kids neither have nor prioritize. I thought the administration of universities were adversarial, yet what we have seen is submission.” —Wisconsin

Re: Good News: Medical Outfit Reverses Course on Transing the Kids

“Transgenderism is definite proof that a gender-confused person needs psychiatric care. Removing sex-specific genitals and breasts should be a heinous felony crime. Dressing up to the part of whatever gender one wants to be is a fundamental part of individual liberty. Taking drugs and hormones to alter one of the two original genders one is born with should not be a freedom.” —Kansas

Re: Profiles of Valor: Samuel Whittemore, Patriot

“Alexander, thank you for an excellent column on an American Patriot I had never heard of. I deeply appreciate the touchstone you provide with Profiles of Valor each week.” —Virginia

“It is an amazing debt, some 250 years later, that we ALL owe these Patriots for the Liberty we are trying to preserve today.” —Iowa