The Patriot Post® · RFK Jr., Wronged by the Democrat Party, Endorses Trump

By Emmy Griffin ·

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has made this election cycle especially interesting. He has garnered more support as a third-party candidate than others before him. However, with the political coup that ousted President Joe Biden from the Democrat ticket and elevated his incompetent vice president, Kamala Harris, in his place, Kennedy lost about half of his supporters.

All last week, Kennedy’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, had been hinting at the crossroads Kennedy faced: He could either continue his presidential run, or he could drop out.

For his part, Kennedy was adamant that he would never support a Harris/Walz ticket. Who can blame him? The Democrats have fought tooth and nail to keep him off the state ballots, sabotaging him at every turn.

On Friday, Kennedy addressed his constituents, announcing that he was suspending his presidential run and endorsing former President Donald Trump. Here is Kennedy in his own words.

On why he has rejected the Democrat Party:

“As you know, I left that party in October because it had departed so dramatically from the core values that I grew up with. … [Fifty years ago], the Democrats were the champions of the Constitution, of civil rights. The Democrats stood against authoritarianism, against censorship, against colonialism, imperialism, and unjust wars. We were the party of labor, of the working class. The Democrats were the party of government transparency and the champion of the environment. … It has become the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big ag and big money.”

On bypassing the primary to swap Harris for Biden:

“How did the Democratic Party choose a candidate that has never done an interview or debate during the entire election cycle? We know the answers. They did it by weaponizing the government agencies. They did it by abandoning democracy. They did it by suing the opposition and by disenfranchising American voters. What most alarms me isn’t how the Democratic Party conducts its internal affairs or runs its candidates.”

On rigging the support for Harris:

“The DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity for Vice President Harris based upon nothing: no policies, no interviews, no debates, only smoke and mirrors and balloons in a highly produced Chicago circus.”

On why he is endorsing Trump:

“Great causes drove me to enter this race in the first place, and these are the principal causes that persuaded me to leave the Democratic party and run as an independent and now to throw my support to President Trump. The causes were free speech, a war in Ukraine, and the war on our children.”

Kennedy has been greatly wronged by the Democrat Party. Frankly, the Democrats have hurt their own constituents by pushing Biden out and propping up his VP, who didn’t win a single primary vote. The fact that everyday Democrats aren’t raising Cain speaks volumes about where the party currently stands. They don’t care who fills the empty suit; their policies and power are the point.

Kennedy’s Republican endorsement should also shake the Democrat political machine to its core. The Democratic National Committee only views Kennedy as a useful spoiler in their favor; now he’s flipped the script and may even coax other independents toward a Trump vote.

Kennedy, nephew of John F. Kennedy and son of Robert F. Kennedy, endorsing a Republican — we live in extremely interesting political times.

Speaking of the Kennedys, five out of RFK’s eight living siblings have made a public announcement. Posted on X by Kerry Kennedy, the statement reads:

We want an America filled with hope and bound together by a shared vision of a brighter future, a future defined by individual freedom, economic promise and national pride. We believe in Harris and Walz. Our brother Bobby’s decision to endorse Trump today is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear. It is a sad ending to a sad story.

RFK’s response to the public denunciation was filled with compassion and understanding toward his family members. Kennedy told Fox News’s Shannon Bream, “My family is — I understand that they’re troubled by my decisions. I love my family. I feel like we were raised in a milieu where we were encouraged to debate each other and debate ferociously and passionately about things and still love each other. They’re free to take their positions on these issues.”

The Democrat Party has stymied Kennedy’s bid every step of the way, polluting the democratic process with lawfare, so it is only natural that he would throw his weight behind Trump. It’s also a very palpable demonstration of which party is the party of “unity.” With Kennedy’s help, Trump is building cross-party unity that puts all of Kamala Harris’s false advertising of “joy” and “freedom” at the DNC to shame.