The Patriot Post® · Monday: Below the Fold

By Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler ·

Politics & Policy

  • Yet another lie from lying liar Tim Walz: By now, informed citizens are aware that Democrat vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz is a deployment-dodging, valor-stealing, Chi-Com sympathizing fabulist. But the hits, they keep a-comin’, with the latest revelations about lies in Walz’s congressional campaign promotions. He boasted about being named “Outstanding Young Nebraskan,” by the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce. But Barry Kennedy, president of the NCC, objected to that claim: “It has come to my attention that as part of your campaign for U.S. Congress, you have posted your biography on your website that claims you received an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce for your service to the business community. We researched this matter and can confirm that you have not been the recipient of any award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce.” Walz claims it was a misprint and should have been the “Junior Chamber of Commerce.” But to the point, in the letter rebuking Walz, Kennedy noted that, in fact, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce endorsed Walz’s Republican opponent for his support of the business community, which is likely why Walz posted the false claim insisting he was recognized by the Chamber of Commerce.

  • Study: Networks deliver massive media honeymoon to Kamala Harris (NewsBusters)

  • Humor: Kamala explains 93% of staff quit because they couldn’t handle the joy (Babylon Bee)

  • Trump splits the baby, again: Abortion is perhaps the only battlefield on which the Democrats want to fight this presidential election, and that’s understandable. It’s a perilous issue for Republicans, and it’s about all the Democrats have. Donald Trump is well aware of this, as a recent post to Truth Social made clear: “My Administration will be great for women and their reproductive rights.” It was an interesting choice of words, and it was seized upon by Philip Klein, one of his many critics at National Review. “It’s one thing to argue that abortion should be left up to the states, which is a position of disagreement among pro-lifers of good faith and one to which I am sympathetic. … The latest Truth Social post is different. The idea that his administration would be ‘great’ for ‘reproductive rights’ is hard to interpret in any other way than as an affirmatively pro-choice statement.” Or maybe Trump is just trying to cut through the lie, repeated ad nauseam during last week’s Democratic National Convention, that he’d “ban abortion across this country, with or without Congress.” Indeed, VP nominee JD Vance asserted over the weekend that Trump would veto a federal abortion ban if it came to his desk.

  • Trump considers dropping out of ABC News debate over “biased” interview with Senator Tom Cotton (NY Post)

Election Integrity

  • Lawsuit: Governor Hobbs illegally designated Arizona agencies as voter registration, ballot drop-off sites (The Federalist)

  • Wisconsin struggles to set standard for ballot drop boxes (Daily Signal)


  • A whistleblower outs the Secret Service: We’ve been skeptical that the Secret Service could police itself in the wake of the near-assassination of Donald Trump, and we thought that just maybe the forced resignation of Secret Service Director and DEI hire Kim Cheatle would bring some candor to the investigation. Wrong. As The Federalist reports, Cheatle’s replacement, Acting Director Ronald Rowe, may have lied to Congress “when he testified that all manpower requested to protect former President Trump had been approved for the event where the GOP presidential nominee came within centimeters of being assassinated.” A recent X post from Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley to Rowe pressed that issue and included a two-page letter with a demand for additional answers. “If you wanted more conspiracy theories,” said Hawley’s Republican colleague Ron Johnson in an interview Friday, “you couldn’t do a better job at creating them than what the Secret Service and the FBI are doing right now. It seems like they’re hiding something. And you have to ask yourself: Why?” Answer: Because they want to avoid making Donald Trump a sympathetic figure prior to the November 5 election.

  • Afghan retreat internal memos: Upon the third anniversary of the Biden/Harris administration’s disastrous exit from Afghanistan, a recent review of internal Pentagon memos shows that what was being communicated to the American public at the time was not what was being said to officials behind the scenes. While Department of Defense Secretary of Communications John Kirby was painting a picture of an orderly and controlled withdrawal, there was a frantic effort to gain control of a rapidly deteriorating situation on the ground. At the airport in Kabul 10 days before a suicide bomber killed 13 U.S. military personnel, an email reported, “The crowd was out of control; the firing was only done to defuse the chaos.” It added, “Hundreds have flooded the flight line and in at least one case, have forced themselves onto at least one US mil (and other civilian) aircraft. Crowds continue to run alongside planes, including mil aircraft.” Pentagon officials told Kirby that the situation on the ground was “chaos” and “chaotic” over two dozen times. Following the disaster, Kirby rejected any notion that this could “have been done in a more orderly manner,” stating, “I respectfully disagree.” Well, the internal records say otherwise.

  • Hezbollah’s failed attack: A massive Hezbollah rocket and drone attack launched against Israel over the weekend may have ended any possibility of a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas in the war in Gaza. More than 500 missiles were launched against civilian and military targets in Israel by the Iran-backed, Lebanon-based terrorist proxy group Hezbollah on Sunday. Thankfully, Israel’s missile defense system was able to take out the vast majority of the missiles, with only one Israeli reportedly killed during the strike. Following the bombardment, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned, “If the result is not enough, then we retain the right to respond another time.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded, “This is not the end of the story.” The Biden/Harris administration has been working on a ceasefire deal, which Netanyahu signaled his willingness to agree to last week. However, that deal is now likely dead. As former National Security Council official Richard Goldberg observed, “Please ask yourself why Hezbollah would attack Tel Aviv on the weekend of Gaza ceasefire talks. This is Iran’s chess game with the objective being to squeeze Israel with a ring of fire. Stop pressuring Israel for a ceasefire and start pressuring the head of the octopus: Tehran.”

  • The Islamist terrorists have been busy: While millions of Americans across the political spectrum have been unhappy with Joe Biden’s tenure as president, one group can rightly be pleased: Islamists. Indeed, while Donald Trump made quick work of ISIS during his administration, Biden has mostly allowed the terrorists to recover and regroup. To illustrate this, we can point to numerous examples: Houthi terrorists recently destroyed yet another tanker in the Red Sea, and Hezbollah terrorists have launched scores of rockets and drones in attacks on Israel. Meanwhile, in smaller-scale acts of terrorism, multiple people were stabbed at a “diversity” festival in Wuppertal, Germany, by an “Arab-looking man,” while cars were blown up and buildings were set on fire next door in France during an attack on a synagogue.

  • Sullivan to make first China visit this week (Axios)

  • France arrests Telegram CEO over content issues (Morning Brew)


  • Racist allegedly a plagiarist: One of America’s premier white race hucksters, Robin DiAngelo, has made her living promoting white guilt, writing a best-selling book called White Fragility. She insists on holding her “fellow white people” accountable, also insisting that they need to “always cite and give credit to the work of BIPOC people who have informed your thinking.” She explains that these citations include “when you use a phrase or idea you got from a BIPOC person.” Well, as is so often the case with these self-appointed social justice warriors, it appears that DiAngelo is a hypocrite. In her 2004 dissertation, DiAngelo quoted an Asian-American professor, Thomas Nakayama, and his coauthor, Robert Krizek, without offering citations or even quotation marks. That’s not all. DiAngelo borrowed from Asian-American professor Stacey Lee, her University of Washington classmate Kristin Gates Gloyes, Cal State Monterey Bay emerita professor Debian Marty, Queen’s University’s Cynthia Levine-Rasky, a professorial fellow at the University of Melbourne Bronwyn Davies, and the deceased philosopher and psychologist Rom Harre. According to Peter Wood, president of the National Association of Scholars, “It is never appropriate to use the secondary source without acknowledging it, and even worse to present it as one’s own words.” The word for that is “plagiarism.”

  • Paralympics now letting trans athletes ruin women’s sports (The Federalist)

The Final Frontier

  • Lost in space: “We have had so many embarrassments lately, we’re under a microscope. This just made it, like, 100 times worse.” So lamented a Boeing employee regarding NASA’s announcement that the two astronauts stranded on the International Space Station following the maiden flight of Boeing’s Starliner space capsule will be rescued by Elon Musk’s SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft. “We hate SpaceX,” the employee added. “We talk s**t about them all the time, and now they’re bailing us out.” NASA’s associate administrator, Jim Free, said, “This has not been an easy decision, but it is absolutely the right one.” The two stranded astronauts — Butch Wilmore, 61, and Suni Williams, 58 — are in good spirits despite having to wait six months before SpaceX is ready to launch a rescue mission in February. Wilmore’s wife, Deanna, stated that friends and family “were praying for a safe return on whatever spacecraft that may be.” Despite the long delay, she added, “We know that it’s the Lord’s plan.”


  • 4th Circuit decision in Maryland sets up next potential 2A showdown at Supreme Court (Daily Signal)

  • Biggest proposed supermarket deal in U.S. history goes to trial (Morning Brew)

  • Biden-Harris admin warns kindergartners climate change will leave entire U.S. cities underwater (Washington Free Beacon)

  • Harris campaign announces massive $540 million haul since launch (Washington Examiner)

  • Tom Cotton destroys Jon Karl on Kamala’s inferred policy flip-flops (NewsBusters)

  • Humor: Post Office issues new commemorative Kamala Harris “Fweedom” stamp (Babylon Bee)

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