The Patriot Post® · No Season 2 for 'Gayest Star Wars' Series

By Emmy Griffin ·

It’s August — the only month of the year that doesn’t have a day of martyrdom on the LGBTQ+ calendar. It’s also the month when Disney announced that its latest Star Wars series, “The Acolyte,” won’t see a Season 2.

“The Acolyte” has been all about pushing a homosexual agenda. The Daily Wire’s Brett Cooper had some interesting insight on this, given that she worked with Leslye Headland — the showrunner for “The Acolyte” — on a Paramount show called “Heathers,” which was based on the ‘80s dark cult classic.

Cooper talked in glowing terms about what a pleasure Headland was to work with and how interesting and challenging her writing was. Headland made a point of making the mean girl characters the bullies in our society — someone who’s “body positive” or “transgender” — and their victims people with more conservative values, like being pro-life. However, Paramount did Headland dirty and ripped all the cleverness out of the show. It cut all the cultural commentary down to inanity. Headland was demoralized by the time Disney got its hooks into her, and what resulted was a big huge pander to the wokesters.

In many ways, Headland sold her credibility with this pandering. She is a lesbian herself and was okay with “The Acolyte” being called the “gayest Star Wars,” even stating she was “into it.”

Yet this pandering was very unwelcome in the Star Wars fandom. Audience reviews for “The Acolyte” were dismal, and viewership was the lowest to date for a Star Wars offshoot series.

The show tanking was a surprise to some of its cast members. South Korean actor Lee Jung-Jae was disappointed. He also echoed Cooper’s experience of working with Headland, stating, “Personally speaking, I really loved Leslye’s writing. I thought that she was a great writer and director who was very talented in the storytelling, as well as creating characters and creating meaningful structures within the story.”

It kind of makes you wonder how much of Headland’s creativity was cut in the editing room.

That being said, “The Acolyte” will not be enjoying a Season 2 — a mercy for everyone involved.

In other Mouse House news, Disney’s “Snow White” is again under a cloud of controversy, and again it’s all actress Rachel Zegler’s fault.

Zegler posted a “free Palestine” message on her social media. While this may seem like a petty thing to get worked up over — after all, so many other leftist wokesters are pulling the same crap — there’s more to the story. Zegler plays Snow White in the remake, but Gal Gadot, who is most famous for her role as Wonder Woman, plays the evil queen. Gadot is Israeli and has been vocal in support of her country after the October 7 Hamas attack, as one would expect.

Newsweek contributor Joel Peltin sums up the optics of the situation perfectly: “Rachel Zegler is trolling her much more famous and beautiful Snow White co-star Gal Gadot. Disney continues to hire the wrong actors to represent their brand. Rather than promoting a film, they choose to embarrass themselves and the studio.”

Whether or not Zegler’s comments were aimed at Gadot, this troubling trend of setting fire to her bridges and watching them burn should make her unhirable. Sadly, Hollywood has become a glutton for punishment and continues to employ entitled women like Zegler. For its part, Disney continues to keep failing on its promise to return to a less activist approach to filmmaking. This type of gaslighting is kind of like how Kamala Harris keeps promising to be a moderate when everyone who follows politics knows she’s a radical leftist.

What a sad demise of a once-great entertainer.