The Patriot Post® · Friday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

The BIG Lies

“We had an open primary, and [Kamala Harris] won it. Nobody else got in the race because she was politically astute.” —Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

“Donald Trump has ordered extreme MAGA Republicans in the House to shut the government down unless they can jam parts of Trump’s Project 2025 agenda down the throats of the American people.” —House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)

“I’ve never once spoken to the chairman of the Fed since I became president.” —Joe Biden (“The guy has literally had several meetings with Jerome Powell in the Oval Office.” —Greg Price)

“American households came out of the crisis … with stronger balance sheets, higher incomes, greater wealth.” —Joe Biden

Non Sequitur

“Not everybody has Secret Service, and there are far too many people in our country right now who are not feeling safe. I mean, I look at Project 2025 and I look at, you know, like the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ laws coming out of Florida. Members of the LGBTQ community don’t feel safe right now. Immigrants or people with an immigrant background don’t feel safe right now. Women don’t feel safe right now. And so, yes, I feel safe. I have Secret Service protection. But that doesn’t change my perspective on the importance of fighting for the safety of everybody in our country.” —Kamala Harris

Village Idiot

“I grew up understanding the children of the community are the children of the community.” —Kamala Harris

Race Bait

“Since [Brittany Mahomes] is in an interracial marriage, she should have known that to support a racist is problematic.” —"The View" co-host Sunny Hostin

Belly Laugh of the Day

“As a black woman, the product of a mixed marriage, [Kamala Harris] will inspire millions of people throughout the world. … That we would be able to allow … a woman like that to become the commander-in-chief, the president of the United States — that is going to send a powerful message all over the world. People like Vladimir Putin are going to say, ‘Hey, wait a minute. These guys, they truly have [a] democratic country.’” —Brigadier General Steven Anderson (USA, Ret.)

For the Record

“52% of Democrat voters aren’t sure if the country wouldn’t be better off if Trump had been assassinated, but 28% believe it would be. A quarter of Democrats wish the assassins had succeeded. Let that sink in.” —Thomas Gallatin

“[Kamala Harris] doesn’t care about a ‘two-state solution’ securing peace for Israel. The only two states she cares about are Michigan and Minnesota.” —Gary Bauer

“[Leftists] are more concerned about allegations immigrants are eating cats and dogs than they are about the actual murders of women and girls that are being committed by illegal aliens.” —Gary Bauer